Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jade Helm 15 FEMA Coffins And Huge Military Vehicle Buildup - Southern California

With a large swath of Southern California listed as 'hostile' in the upcoming US Military's Jade Helm 15 'martial law' roundup, YouTube videographer me meow decided to videotape his regular drive by the Yermo Logistics Marine Base north of Barstow, California and his videotaping yielded some unexpected results. Besides showing us that there are many more vehicles on the base now than the normal number of vehicles he usually sees, he also appears to have captured a huge number of FEMA coffins stacked up on the base as seen in the images above and below and the video below beginning at the 2 minute 30 second mark.

With America expected to have 240+ million LESS inhabitants in only 10 years than we do now and Jade Helm 15's official kick-off only months away, military preparation on a massive scale is now being witnessed from coast to coast and this newly released video is no exception with the added caveat of what appear to be FEMA coffins thrown into the mix, adding more proof to the evidence that these upcoming 'drills' will be anything but 'drills'.

READ MORE:http://www.allnewspipeline.com/Jade_Helm_15_FEMA_Coffins.php#

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