Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Mysterious Blob In Pacific Ocean Is Fukushima Death And It's Coming For Us All!

For the past 4+ years while the US government and the laimstream media have downplayed the devastating effects that the Fukushima disaster has had upon our oceans and our environment, the alternative media has consistently issued warnings contrary to what the msm has been telling us and with this latest Daily Mail story called 'Mystery Blob In The Pacific Ocean Could Be Causing California's Mega-Drought' sharing with us that experts have NO IDEA what is causing this mystery that has been here since 2013 and is 'driving sea creatures away', we have to ask if they are really THAT ignorant and if this is the reason why there will soon be 240+ million LESS people living in the US in 10 years than there are now? 
READ MORE:http://www.allnewspipeline.com/Pacific_Ocean_Blob_Fukushima.php

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