
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Special Report on CPS Sponsored Child Abductions: CPS Insiders Blow the Whistle

Dave Hodges
May 22, 2014
cps 1a
I am presently in touch with two former CPS agents, one senior analyst for a war college and two mainstream publications who are investigating many of the same allegations that I am going to bring forth in the next two articles. For now, I am not publishing names, however, this may soon change and names and exact positions may indeed be identified.

Disturbing Reports from CPS Insiders

I was recently contacted by a pair of former CPS agents who became thoroughly disgusted with the present state of affairs.  Initially, I was told that Dave, you are spot on with your assessment regarding the nature and intent of CPS’s planned enforcement of the concern’s delineated in the manual entitled, “Child Neglect: A Guide for Prevention Assessment, and Intervention”.
One of the CPS agents  proceeded to use the term “concerns” because this manual merely provides a very subjective coverage of the “definition” of neglect/abuse/ children and its subsequent impact. The issues detailed in this “user manual” will be enforced using Obamacare as a legal means to carry out what amounts to tyranny. This is exactly what I recently reported on my website.

The Prime Directive of CPS Is To Steal Children

Both CPS agents admitted to the fact that they were very familiar with the tactics and strategies utilized by the modern day CPS’ as they attempt to seize as many children as possible. The CPS (Obamacare) “user manual” was designed “so as to give broad authoritarian powers to CPS caseworkers.
Both CPS agents stated that  they witnessed many of the cases they investigated as trivial or, “merely parental oversight” and not worthy of CPS intervention and child seizure. Some CPS caseworkers would issue “founded allegations of parental neglect” for something as trivial as one ounce of marijuana that was mistakenly found by their child”.  The other former agent stated that they watched co-workers fabricate allegations by citing signs of “child neglect” as they would report that the children were allowed to roam the streets all hours of the day and night even though no such report had been reported to CPS . Neglect allegations are the fall back position of a CPS agent and are usually “all made up”.

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