
Sunday, August 23, 2015

NY Times: Ailing Jimmy Carter ‘at Ease With Whatever Comes’

Jimmy Carter, still sprightly at 90 years old, spoke about his cancer diagnosis, innovative treatment regimen and born-again Christian beliefs.

Though there have been Presidents more evil than Jimmy Carter, perhaps none was more of a phony. That's because the cunning Carter, more so than any other White House scoundrel of the past century, built his political career by cynically promoting himself as a pious "born again" Christian - a simple "peanut farmer" who came out of nowhere to heal the post-Nixon wounds. Nothing could have been further from the truth than this carefully crafted facade. For that reason, we here at The Anti-New York Times have no qualms about re-exposing this almost forgotten degenerate con-man from the 1970's. Carter's treatable cancer - announced with great fanfare by the pathological attention-seeker himself - is his problem, not ours.

Shortly after founding the Trilateral Commission in 1973, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the diabolical right-hand man of Globalist King-Maker David Rockefeller, recruited Jimmy Carter, the nationally unknown Governor of Georgia, for membership in the elite Globalist group. By early 1976, Carter - the simple peanut farmer and "outsider" who came out of nowhere - was rocketed to victory after victory in Democrat Presidential Primaries. He went on to unseat Gerald Ford (also a Trilateralist) to become the 39th President of the United States.

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