
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Prosecutor

Back in 2011 the Prosecutor got himself into a bit of trouble.  The details are important because the way he was treated by law enforcement and the court varies widely with the way Joe off the street would be treated.

On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof.


His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:

“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request

The 911 tape

After the fold is a compendium of information obtained via FOIA, election records and personal investigation.  The first part identifies what kind of guy he is, following that is a list of election support, contributions and connections.

  1. Domestic violence - violent- once could be a mistake, twice is a pattern
      1. Ejected as head baseball coach for his violent temper

  1. Thumbs his nose at the court system
    1. Failed to pay a speeding ticket. See 86th District court website.

      1. Doesn’t pay his bills
        1. Walked into Charlevoix State Bank and turned in the deed to his house.
        2. Physically destroyed the house before he left.
          1. Call Charlevoix State Bank, call the Re/Max of Charlevoix Realtor


      1. Vince Currier- of Currier Lawn Maintenance Charlevoix
      2. Scott K. Boss- Owner Dry Harbour Marine Charlevoix
      3. Barney Way- Owner Dry Harbour Marine Charlevoix
      4. Conrad Klooster- Owner Klooster Machinery Charlevoix
      5. Luan Jackson- Mental Health Therapist self employed Charlevoix
      6. Don Molosky- attorney Charlevoix
      7. Laura Dinon- Attorney Plunkett Cooney Charlevoix
      8. Tom Cooper Attorney Plunkett Cooney Petoskey
      9. Kevin Klevorn- Attorney Boyne City
      10. Mary Beth Kur- Attorney Petoskey
      11. David Campbell- Lawyer Charlevoix
      12. Steve Sawyer- attorney Boyne City
      13. Kraag C. Lieberman- Attorney Charlevoix
      14. Jennifer Deegan- Attorney H. Springs
      15. Charles Glass- Attorney Keisha Veryser’s attorney Petoskey


      1. Tom Veryser- daughter in-law was convicted of Embezzlement
      From St. Mary’s Church/School.
      He is the CEO of Michigan Dental Clinics- member of
      Boyne City Yacht Club Boyne City

      1. Karen Veryser- wife of Tom Veryser, daughter in law convicted
      of embezzlement Boyne City

      1. Howard Newkirk- on Board of Directors of Michigan
      Community Dental Clinics where Tom Veryser
      is the CEO Boyne City

      1. Phoebe Witzke- Member of Boyne Yacht Club with Veryser
      Described Telgenhof as ethical and has integrity Boyne City

      1. Nancy Shear - Husband is owner of Industrial Magnetics-
      where Tom Veryser’s son works- also member of
      Boyne Yacht Club with Veryser Boyne City

      1. Joseph Abdella- member of Boyne Yacht club with Veryser Boyne City
      2. Susan McGregor- neighbor of Veryser daughter in-law Boyne City


      1. Dennis Halverson- Former City of Charlevoix Police Chief
      For 18 years, now is Field Services Administrator for
      Charlevoix – Emmet Intermediate School district
      According to his Linked page he knows:
      Emergency Management, Training, Police, Public Relations
      Enforcement, Public Safety, Criminal Investigations,
      Executive Protection, Staff Development Charlevoix

      1. Steven Seely- Vice President-Investment Officer Wells Fargo Charlevoix
      2. Ken Boss- father of Scott Boss Charlevoix
      3. John Sturock- Former Chx School Superintendent Charlevoix
      4. Joylene Klooster- Deacon in Community Reform Church Charlevoix
      5. Margo Johnson- Charlevoix Area Chamber board member Charlevoix
      6. Timothy McCready- Manager Cutco Company Charlevoix
      7. Doug Hall- business manager UPS Charlevoix
      8. Mary Shepard- Telgenhof’s secretary Charlevoix
      9. Debra Woodward- x-ray tech Charlevoix Hospital Charlevoix
      10. Kathy Way- secretary of Mary Beth Kur Charlevoix


      “Local crime spree includes assault, stolen cars and public nudity”
      December 04, 2012|Benjamin Gohs - Boyne City Gazette

      Charlevoix resident Alexander Patrick Kur, 25, was recently charged with multiple alleged crimes ranging from assault and public nudity to theft of two vehicles, fleeing from police and speeding.

      According to a Charlevoix County Sheriff Office affidavit of probable cause, as detailed in the Boyne City Gazette, the events began on
      Nov. 23

      After son charged with multiple felonies- On November 26, Kur and secretary give $500 each to Telgenhof- who will prosecute the case!

      1. Gaye Hodge Charlevoix
      2. Steven Hansen Charlevoix
      3. Robert Hansen East Jordan
      4. Gloria Barnes Charlevoix
      5. Faye Parrish Charlevoix
      6. Kurt Beuthin Charlevoix
      7. Joseph Vogelheim Charlevoix
      8. Judith Ivan- Charlevoix
      9. Laura Farmer Charlevoix
      10. Joan Way Charlevoix
      11. Pam Barnes Charlevoix
      12. Elsa Shaller Charlevoix
      13. Henry Ross Boyne City
      14. Theodore Sherman Jr. East Jordan
      15. William Greenwalt Boyne City
      16. Vicki Voisin- Charlevoix
      17. Richard Georgi Charlevoix
      18. Alison Melon Boyne City

      THE EIGHT OFFICIAL ENDORSERS: These people “officially” endorsed Telgenhof and his conduct. PNR July 16, 2012

      • Kraag Lieberman- Attorney in Charlevoix
      • Former Michigan State Police director Richard (R.T.) Davis
      • County commissioners Richard Gillespie- lives on Beaver Island-
      • County Commissioner Bob Drebenstedt –
        • Former Charlevoix County Veteran’s Affairs Director- a military man who endorses domestic violence?
      • Shirlene Tripp- there was domestic violence in her household
      • Former Commissioner Vic Patrick- on board when Kur cost the county millions

      • Mary Beth Kur and Valerie Snyder-
        • Kur cost the county 1.2 million dollars in a JURY VERDICT for the way she treated her employees while prosecutor
          • She is trying to buy her son out of trouble
        • Snyder was Telgenhof’s law partner in a two attorney office- worked with him for years- She endorsed him and his conduct
          • Snyder provided all the food for his fundraiser.

            • Neither was selected by the governor
            • The court system does not need a judge who believes in and endorses conduct like Telgenhof committed.


  1. Who was the prosecutor at the time of this incident?

  2. Jarema was but there was a conflict so he sent it Antrim county where it was dismissed. Only to find out later that Telgenhof is friends with the prosecutor in Antrim county.

    1. And I'm curious to know what Mrs. Telgenhof has to say about all of this. Have you talked to her?

    2. And how can something be dismissed that was never charged? I'm really thinking you have no idea what you're talking about.

    3. Have you not heard the 911 and looked at the photos? The fat lip and bite marks are enough evidence for me. This has nothing to do with Jarema.
      Cool trick Jarema pulled, getting Judy Telgenhof to call 911 more than a year before the election to file a police report. I wonder if the bite marks on her fingers match Jarema? Hmm...
      It is a crime to abuse 911 and there was an earlier domestic violence call in Antrim where no charges were pressed.
      I don't know about you, but the cops don't randomly show up at my house because they suspect a domestic dispute. There must be something to all of this.

      The entire point of this blog is to inform the taxpayers who are paying for all of this of who is getting their hard earned dollars.
      Study of this blog will show how these prosecutors and judges trade judicial favors over county lines. Wayne Wynkoop is dead and Pervert Court Referee Dennis Mikko is a free man and this is justice?Shame on all of these hypocrites.

  3. I don't believe that to be the truth. You may want to talk to the assistant prosecutors that were working with Jarema. According to word on the street, it was reviewed by Charlevoix County prosecutors, and it was found to have no merit. If you don't believe me, call the Antrim County prosecutor. And what would the conflict have been that would have prohibited Charelvoix County from handling the case?

    1. Charlevoix County has a dedicated Domestic Violence Prosecutor who handles all domestic cases. The position is grant funded and the prosecutor is appointed by the Attorney General. This position covers Charlevoix, Emmet and Cheboygan. If that special prosecutor believes they had a conflict- worked with telgenhof, personal friends of telgenhof- they would petition the Attorney General for a replacement attorney based on the conflict. That is what happened in Telgehnof's case. It was transferred to the special domestic prosecutor in Antrim. That special prosecutor now works for the women's resource center in Petoskey.

      The fact that he wasn't prosecuted is not the point. The point is that it happened twice. The police were called 2x- once by their kids and once by the wife. OJ was charged and found not guilty- does that mean he is innocent? No. People drive drunk all the time and don't get caught or are found not guilty- they still drove drunk. He abused and bit his wife. That is who he is.

      Domestic violence is one of the most chronically underreported crimes.
      U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, "Criminal Victimization," 2003.

      Only approximately one-quarter of all physical assaults, one-fifth of all rapes, and one-half of all stalkings perpetuated against females by intimate partners are reported to the police
      Tjaden, Patricia & Thoennes, Nancy. National Institute of Justice and the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, "Extent, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey," (2000).

    2. Here are a couple of links that illustrate how Antrim County treats their own in a "special way".

    3. I would assume promoting a 911 call from a victim does not help the reporting of domestic violence. In fact, I have spoken to many women who have told me they would not call the police in a domestic violence situation fearing that it may become public. Shame, shame on Mr. Jarema for skewing the information as a means of hurting people, including future domestic violence victims.

  4. There has been a FOIA request made to the state police regarding the allegation of theft of personal property by Telgehof from his landlord. He has been accused of taking her property when he moved out and it is alleged that he wanted her to sign a release from liability in exchange for the return of her property. This will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
    There are also alleged campaign finance irregularities.
    This has nothing to do with John Jarema and it is nothing personal against Telgenhof. The citizens just want a clean shirt in the position of prosecuting attorney and I don't feel that Telgenhof is suited for the position.
    If his supporters are so confident in his innocence, why are they posting anonymously?

  5. There are many, many issues here. I find all of this very curious, as Jarema has done many, many things that one would find extremely unacceptable as prosecutor as well as a human. He continues to attack people who have not done as he pleases. Look into how he treated his staff as prosecutor. Look into how he found himself about the law regarding the FOIA case against him. Look into what he continues to do to Mary Beth Kur. Look into what he was actually doing in his office when he was employed as prosecutor. FOIA his computer records. FOIA his phone records. I think many people have no idea that the public paid him as as assistant prosecutor as he finished his bosses basement.

    You are clearly a comarade of Jarema (if not Jarema himself). This entire blog is an effort to bring people down who have caused his march to become a Judge very difficult.

    1. I don't know about jarema working on his boss's basement while he was an assistant prosecutor but if that is true, wouldn't that be the fault of the boss? If that did happen and Kur was the boss, isn't that Kur's problem. After all, Jarema got a judgement against her for inappropriately using county funds and her workers got a jury verdict for 1 MILLION dollars.

    2. It's funny, "Pretty Lie", you seem like you're against government corruption and inside deals, but not when it comes to you - I mean, your buddy, Jarema. This guy was thrown out of office for disregarding the law (according to a circuit court judge), for intentionally not filing an appeal brief so his buddy could bilk the county for thousands of dollars, for lying to another circuit court judge and for bullying and intimidating his female employees.

      And you don't care that he/you apparently let Telgenhof off the hook on his watch, and that he did construction work at his house and his boss's on county time.

  6. EXACTLY...and that's what's happening again. It's kind of funny that all of these county problems involve Jarema. Fanara, Jarema's Chief Assistant Prosecutor, is suing Charlevoix County and Jarema for a list of wrongs. Jarema is also being grieved by at least two separate parties due to his mismanagement and sneaky ways of providing information to the news, all the while denying it. He has a real problem with FOIA, thinking it doesn't apply to him. The funny thing is that he has no idea what is coming his way. He may be losing his law license for the things he's done wrong.

    1. I don't really think anyone reads this blog, but I'm curious to know how you're getting your information...that is if you're not Jarema.

  7. The hilarious thing, if it's true, is that Jarema thinks he can get elected judge.

  8. Blow jobs under the table and juris payoffs in florida corruption with over budget spending from deep inside committees and the internal debt lies when the city is bankrupt hell will be paid in cash check or from pocket books cooked. Dig and ye shall find shit so deep you would think the City was a business instead of a government.
