
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Antrim County's Foster Rapists


Foster child rapist Jere Clark -  Antrim County, Michigan.

I know of two people involved in the Antrim County foster/adoption scandal that are pedophiles and one is a woman (another county employee) who raped her 15 year old adoptive son. I spoke with this boy on MySpace and according to him, the allegations are true. I tried to get the boy to prosecute or sue to expose this but he said that he didn't want anything to do with any of those people. He seemed afraid.

 This was a few years ago, but Antrim appears to have a bad habit of turning a blind eye to child molestation if the perpetrator is connected to the cash for kids scam.

This other creep molested three young men very close to me a few years ago, using his teenage daughters to lure the boys in. ( These allegations have been made recently and this is opinion only at this point) By allowing the boys to sleep over, this homosexual married man put his hands down all of these boys pants. His wife knows that he is a degenerate, yet chooses to stay with him.

One of his alleged victims says that he had been accused numerous times by numerous boys of molestation but Antrim refused to prosecute. Maybe the fact that he is a close relative of a family court employee has something to do with it. Probably not. (This is currently being looked into - more facts as they become available.)

So this brings us to this monster. Jere Clark molested kids for forty years and EVERYONE knows it. Antrim County only prosecuted because they were forced to. I know this to be fact and I'll leave it at that.

See Antrim County Confidential  (linked below) for copy of complaint to Sheriff Dan Bean from judo coach Chuck King that they sat on for months. It provides sick details about the women who allegedly provided child victims to Clark. One of these creatures is still employed by, wait for it ........ Antrim County. Surprise!!!!! ( According to victim testimony and Northern Express article)

A friend happened to be at the courthouse the day Clark was sentenced and looked at the docket. Clark was the only name appearing. My friend went in and sat down. The only other observer was a reporter. My friend alleges that the judge interrupted proceedings to ask my friend his name and if he had business with the court. I'm not sure how long he stayed.

Chuck King appeared at a previous court appearance for Clark and alleges that he was harassed by an Antrim detective, kicked out of the public courthouse and off private property across from the courthouse at the ATM machine by this detective, where King went to call Sheriff Bean to report the detective"s inappropriate behavior. The detective said King's presence was intimidating the Clarks. Read Chuck King's statement and you will know why they felt intimidated. Too damned bad.


And so, here is the sick story of Jere Clark and his countless victims.


Patrick Sullivan - July 11th, 2011

Model Citizen or Monster:The wide gulf between how people view a foster granddad accused of molestation
By Patrick Sullivan
There are two portraits of Jere Clark to choose from: a solid citizen who
takes care of troubled children in Bellaire or a monster who preys on

Read the horrible horror story at this link.

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