
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Police State America: Arkansas S.W.A.T. Team Shoots And Kills 107 Year Old Man In Self Defense Video

(Before It's News) Really? Pine Bluff Arkansas Police Department and S.W.A.T Team couldn’t take a 107 year old man into custody without killing him?

What is America coming too?  I’m only 60 and I need to sleep, whether I want to or not. 107 years old and the only way they could handle this was killing him?
  Think about it, this is not a 20 year old we are talking about, this man is 107 years old. It is unlikely that he was all hopped up on on street drugs.

It is reported:  When Supervisors and the S.W.A.T. Team members arrived, they attempted to negotiate with Isadore through the door, but the centenarian would not cooperate.
After further negotiations proved fruitless, SWAT officers “pumped gas into the room,” !
These young, highly trained professionals couldn’t out smart and out last a 107 year old man without killing him?
What was their hurry?   Could they not have been patient and waited for him to fall  asleep?
America is changing. There used to be compassion in America.
We will never hear this mans story, at 107 he was assassinated , all we will hear is how mainstream media wants to paint this situation.



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