
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Did three people have to die over painkillers? The Cullen Mutrie raid

GREENLAND, NH — A no-knock raid conducted over suspected possession of pills took a turn for the tragic when the homeowner fought back against officers as they battered down his door.  Three dead and four injured bodies later — including the chief of police — leaves us wondering whether all the blood spilled in the name of enforcing prohibition laws is worth the cost.
Cullen Mutrie, age 29, was not exactly a model citizen, but he was also not victimizing anyone through his dealings with prescription pills.  But pills would be the catalyst for a raid that would ultimately result in great cost to the community.
Greenland police had been watching Mutrie since anabolic steroids were found in his home in 2010, during a search for firearms and ammunition in accordance to bail conditions for a domestic assault charge.  Neighbors called in suspicious phone conversations in 2011 that involved Mutrie asking, “How much an ounce?”   The investigation intensified in January 2012 when an informant told police that he was able to purchase 10 Oxycodone pills from Tibbetts, and claimed that the couple were selling upward of 500 pills every few days.  Police then spent months watching Mutrie’s home, noting at least two people who visited that had previous drug convictions.

Link to full story here:

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