
Friday, March 21, 2014

Fired NM Police Chief Shane Harger breaks his Silence! Tells of Corruption, Drug Cover Ups, Murder, and How he will go forward as an Honest Cop


Remember, we pointed out the 3 prong attack at gaining control at the federal level,  1.  Bribery,   2.  Threats to life and family,  3.  blackmail for wrong doing some official may have done.   This is now going on everywhere at the local level as you can see.  I included our towns story below, so you can see the parallels in New Mexico and in Colorado, different states, but same happening at local levels.  I did not mention the towns name, nor the individuals involved, but I may do that later if it becomes worse.

We, here in my podunct town have just such infiltrators trying to take over local government along with our Sheriffs dept , as well as our courts who are extorting thousands of dollars from our poorest residents, since they don't have the money to fight them,  and its over seat belt laws that are not only unconstitutional, but down right tyrannical.  The town voters in majority know about it,  But these candidates are meeting with informed and educated voters and I have high hopes for our town and county.  

The first question that comes to mind, is "What is freedom, or Liberty?"  Its when you are free to do whatever you want, AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT,  as long as you do not harm another or his/her property.   So, who is the victim in a seat belt infracton?  Who does it harm?  No one. It should be a personal decision to wear it or not, and then take responsibility for it if you get hurt.  That makes the seat belt law Unconstitutional and in violation of both state and federal Constitutions.

Who cares???  Not the crooked politicians, and their bureaucratic minions,  not the DA, since he is from NY and is used to Bloomberg, and not the judge because these poor people will fill the coffers of the judges budget for operating his CORPORATE COURT.   Its legalized extortion and getting much worse as time goes by.  In the MP3 below, their town, according to this sheriff, did the same thing and even said they were passing laws to make money off the fines.  Check it out in your town and see if this is the same where you live.

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