
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Screen Grab From Facebook About Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette

Ted Visner added 2 new photos — with Michael Freedom and10 others.
17 mins · 
Hoping to SEE Bill Schuette this weekend at the PowWow in Mt. Pleasant, I stopped by his little booth in the corner of one of the small rooms no less than 20 times during the day on Saturday and not only did I NOT see Bill, I didn't see anyone attending the booth all damn day! In fact, I left some literature there for him on my first visit and it stayed there the entire day! I did get a chance to finally meet Mark Baker! What a guy! Between Mark and I being at the event all day, I can't say that I was really all that surprised schuette's booth was UNMANNED... Kinda like his entire office!
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  • Dana Carver and Randy Mcgrath like this.
  • Ted Visner Vacant man, vacant office...
  • Dana Carver My ol man claims that he is just invisible
    9 mins · Like · 1
  • Renee Alexis The sign you grabbed did it read,"Attorney General Bill [and in big letters] Schuette" by any chance? If it could add the letter "S" on the end of his name followed with "Himself in the foot" the sign would then read "Attorney General Bill Schuetttes himself in the foot"
    7 mins · Like
  • Ted Visner This piece of crap invisible man is using our tax dollars to hide from us and pretend that he can earn plausible deniability. Bill has been cornered at a couple of his own fundraising events and made aware of our story and our complaint yet has completely failed to lift a finger to help this Michigan family against crime perpetrated by police under color of law.
    2 mins · Like
  • Renee Alexis I've been trying to follow your story and the one point that evades my understanding is the "Law" they site to take possession in the first place.
    2 secs · Like

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