
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Some Thoughts From A Sponsor Of The Pretty Lie

Where The Pretty Lie Meets With The Blind Eye Of Justice And Where The Ugly Truth Hides In Plain Sight.

Those of us working on The Pretty Lie project are very grateful for the tens of thousands of readers of our blog. We can track page views by country and we are amazed that we have such a diverse audience. Thank you very much.

We believe that the international interest in this blog indicates that our audience is finding the information that we are providing beneficial. We believe that most people on our planet want to peacefully coexist and assist each other. Skin color doesn't matter - it is what is in our hearts that is the most important.

The vast majority of people want to help their neighbors and families and to protect all children. There are wicked individuals in positions of power in every government (the global elitists) in the world who are perpetrating evil for their own reasons of personal greed, power tripping and/or mental illness. Injustice is everywhere.

Humanity is being  manipulated and divided on every level - nationality, race, religion, rich/poor - the list is endless. We have far more similarities than differences and I believe that the majority of us want to make the world a better place. We have concluded from our research that it is the corruption in our governments that enslaves the masses and promotes the hatred and division.

The age old question has yet to be answered. When will men come to the understanding that regardless of race, creed or other differences, we are all God's children? If we stand together, peace can prevail. 

If we band together we can remove corruption from our governments and promote positive solutions worldwide. We need to sponsor those less fortunate than ourselves and take care of the widows and orphans in our world.

Our message is one of peace, which can only be found  when the blind eye of justice applies equally to each of us. We should commend those individuals who are worthy and condemn those who violate the public trust in our governments. We must hold accountable those who go outside of the scope of their authority in order to violate the rights of others, usually for some personal gain for themselves, be it financial or ego and power.

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