
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

CHILD ABUSE NETWORKS - PART ONE - Netherlands- Home of Bilderbergs

Vatic Note:  We did a blog several years back about the bilderberg meeting that ended up with boy prostitutes being supplied to the attendees of the meeing.  I was shocked that they were so open about it, but they weren't.  A reporter had somehow garnered a way into the hotel where they were staying and got photos and identified who the  perps were that parttook of the offerings.

I am not surprised about the Netherlands, They have been outted as satanic worshippers and thus they believe "Do as thou wilt"  without regard for how it harms others,  Especially children.  As we have said before,  pedophiling children is spiritual death and maybe that is why these satanists do this. 

So far we have covered practically the entire world in the issue of child sex abuse by these higher up officials and elite in many countries, including the USA, Britain,  Denmark, Germany etc.   Where in the world did these demons that do these acts of perversion, come from?  Satans world?  Anyway here is another one to ponder.  This is what your New World Order will be like if we ever allow them to rule the world.  Watch out for your children. 



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