
Sunday, December 21, 2014

10 Reasons Why Facebook Users Should Be Declared Clinically Insane

Over the past several years I’ve noticed a very disturbing trend as a “power” Facebook user.  As my content became more politically charged, the more people I attracted to my pages and profile — yet my posts were being “throttled” or held back from reaching the people who were connecting with me.  This is not a conspiracy theory; as I’ve documented many instances when the number of clicks and shares I was receiving was actually going backwards as time passed.  There’s absolutely no doubt that my content was being targeted for suppression, and I’ve caught Facebook in the act on more than one occasion.

Now, if people own a website, or in my case, we at GMN bring news and media to the public professionally and full time.  Essentially, it’s a business enterprise, although it’s a non-profitable business due to the intentional absence of corporate sponsors.  Susannah Cole and myself have literally invested our entire life savings, and have volunteered our time and services for over 867 episodes.  If we were to calculate a value of GMN, it would be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past three years.  We’re not complaining, we’re simply trying to set the stage for this message.  We’ve spend thousands of dollars building our listenership and readership, and we’ve utilized free platforms like Twitter and Facebook (by the way; both publicly held companies) to connect the individuals within the community we’ve built and paid for.  The trade-off we’ve always known about is that Twitter and Facebook have always retained the right to advertise to their users, and that’s okay with us, especially if we’re all using the service for “free” — we seek freedom, of course.

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