
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Netanyahu Fired Chuck Hagel

Vatic Note:    Anybody want to guess who runs America?  Initials start with "A", like AIPAC, and "I" for Israel and "R" for Rothschild Wall STreet Brokerage Houses.  Yes, you can include Soros,  Zbig,  and others, but they are minions who do the power elites bidding and handling of our elected and appointed officials, similar to what the khazar Zionist bankers and Israel do for the illuminati 13 bloodlines. .

If we remember correctly that when he was first named to his current position, there was a hue and cry from the Israel Supporters quarters as not being acceptable to them, but he got the position anyway.   Notice we did not invade or attack Iran.  Is that why he was fired?  

Netanyahu Fired Chuck Hagel
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Truthseeker, November 26, 2014

NY Times: Top Candidates to Succeed Hagel Are Longtime National Security Specialists

President Obama, working to shift his team’s focus in confronting a raft of national security crises, is considering two former Defense Department officials as successors to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, administration officials said Monday.



The resignation (forced firing) of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is a bad sign folks; a very bad sign. It’s not that Secretary Hagel was anything special of course; Globalist, DC Insider, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) etc; but at least he wasn’t a complete warmongering psychopath like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney.

You see, Schmuckie Hagel was more of a “soft power” Globalist, a fact which had earned him the open enmity of the Jewish neo-conservatives and the Israelis. It is clear now that a weakened “Ebola-ized”, post-election Obongo has been usurped by the more aggressive faction of America’s PRC (Predatory Ruling Class), operating within his own Party and administration.
Bibi to Chuckie: "You're Fired"!
Bibi to Chuckie: “You’re Fired”!
This fact is confirmed in this Slimes article which has already short-listed the candidates to replace Hagel: Michelle Flournoy and Ashton B. Carter. Those may sound like nice Anglo-Saxon names, and indeed these two candidates are. But they are both 100% certified kosher neo-cons that would eagerly service Bibi Satanyahu quicker than you could say ‘Monica Lewinsky’.

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