
Friday, December 5, 2014

Salvation Army Santa Claus Trampled To Death On Black Friday


An 89-year-old Salvation Army Santa Claus, attempting to collect money for charity, was trampled to death yesterday as shoppers pushed their way through a Cleveland K-Mart’s doors on Black Friday.
Abraham T. Roosevelt has been dressing as Santa Claus for the past 30 years and had raised nearly $85,000 during that time span. But the World War II veteran’s life tragically ended when a stampede knocked over the Salvation Army’s famous red kettle that contains the change.
Customers then scurried for the nickels and pennies that fell out of Roosevelt's bucket, and in the subsequent crush Roosevelt was killed.  Tom Wilkinson witnessed the event and told local news reporters, “Man, they trampled him twice. There was change and blood flying all over the place.
“I know this time of year gets crazy but I ain’t never seen Santa Claus get killed over some pennies.”
K-Mart employees observed what happened to the old man and stepped in to attempt to save his life. Cindy Lawrence, a longtime employee, told The Cleveland Register, “I see Mr. Roosevelt every year. He served in the U.S. Army for every war we’ve ever had and these shoppers stomped all over him for some loose change. What is this world coming to?

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