
Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Just Us Systems

Judge, Jury & Executioners: From the streets to the world all of this has been Criminal for over a hundred years.
Yesterday two cops were murdered in their patrol car in New York City. This will set the stage for the next horrific call to ban more guns, protect more cops from what they do every day to innocent people throughout the USA and yet we have all been ignoring what these uniformed Vultures have been doing to ordinary people with impunity… What should instead be happening is a national disarmament campaign against all ‘US police departments that must be demilitarized, if this cycle of public murders is to ever be broken.
The line between “police” and “mercenary forces” is beyond blurred at the moment. But make no mistake: In the last fourteen years these creatures have racked up their own tally of torture, brutality and murder to justify their wholesale resignations. Those who refuse to switch sides should expect what will definitely be coming.
This is not about policing an out-of-control public. This is about the out-of-control barbarians who wear police uniforms and murder ordinary Americans each and every day in this country: Not to mention the slaughter of whole nations which this same ‘philosophy’ has produced world-wide, without any oversight by any national or international organization.
Exactly the same kinds of things are going on in Ukraine right now. When it comes down to explaining what is taking place to the people vs. who is killing who and why this has always happened everywhere in the world before. It’s a long story. Turn off the sound and just read along with the speaker (The dialogue is in Russian), but it’s crystal clear what is happening there now, which is what has already happened here…

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