
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bill Windsor needs HELP Now

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Bill Windsor needs a little help now.
Bill Windsor is alive and reasonably well at 4:00 am on New Year's Day en route to Missoula Montana, but he needs just a little help with four or five subjects...
Bill Windsor needs someone with police or private investigator abilities to do one little thing.  If you know someone who might be able to help, email and with POLICE in all caps in the Subject line.
Bill needs someone to head up contacts with people in the documentary film business.  If so, email and with FILM in all caps in the Subject line.
Bill Windsor needs someone to make contacts with freedom of speech groups, the movie industry, etc. to try to get some groups to fight the idea that Bill Windsor might be sent to prison for life for filming as movie.  If so, email and with PRISON FOR A MOVIE in all caps in the Subject line.
If you know a licensed private investigator, William M. Windsor needs someone who will allow him to do some skip tracing.  Bill will purchase special software that the PI may use and keep, if he or she will just let Bill use the PI's number to make the purchase.  If you lnow someone, email and with PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR in all caps in the Subject line.
Bill Windsor has a few things that need to be done in Dallas that he was unable to do before he left for Montana.  If you could go to Dallas for a few hours to do these things, please email and with DALLAS in all caps in the Subject line.
Bill Windsor needs someone to take over some websites.  If you know WordPress and Joomla and might be willing, please email and with WEBSITES in all caps in the Subject line.
Bill Windsor needs all the legal ideas and legal research he can get.  If you'd like to help, email and with LEGAL in all caps in the Subject line, and send him your ideas.
If you want to join a private chat group about Bill Windsor and ways to FREE MONTANA, email  The moderator is Snoozan, a former Joey. I disagree with a lot that she writes, but she has been very helpful a lot of the time over the last year.  Snoozan will direct you to a forum that she is setting up where you can discuss possible ways to help. You must register and have a password to see what is being said in this forum. is held by Susan Harbison (Snoozan). If you contact her, she will try to get you to sign off on affidavits, which will then be sent to MT and TX DAs, judges, etc..  You can help by participating in an email campaign to get the ACLU, the EFF, Volokh and other like minded persons of power to challenge the validity of what is being done in MT. Snoozan says she will do all the writing; she just needs people who are not afraid to sign their names to these documents.
Thanks for any help you can provide.  I wish I didn't have to ask.

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