
Thursday, January 22, 2015


"The river keeps on a rolling". The flow of a river, like the flowing of time, keeps rolling on, non-stop, leaving those that stand on the shore behind. Unlike a river and time, our lives are finite - limited, and has an expiration date. What we are seeing now in our nation is the flow of time going past us regardless what condition our nation is in politically. Time is eroding the effectiveness of resistance to tyranny. It is moving past the human lives of patriots who are determined to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. The passing of time is eliminating the resistors through attrition, they are simply dying off everyday. The question is, what will the next generation do for this nation in its hour of need? Will there be an effective group of new patriotic Americans capable, and of sufficient size to save this nation?
The conspirators for a global government are fully aware of the passing of time, and they are using it to their advantage. The nations are being transformed from what they were to socialism, mega corporations and banker controls. As it stands now there is very little resistance or push back to the socialist agenda. The popular culture, the liberal oriented news media, the education system and liberal politicians are all working in concert to transform this nation into a socialist state. The patriotic, more conservative and libertarian citizen are trying to hold the line against draconian laws and the establishment of a totalitarian state. That battle is being lost on all fronts. The conspirators have been careful not to move too fast and thereby wake up a slumbering nation. But the moves against our republic are steady and unrelenting. It is almost as if the conspirators themselves may die off before they see their complete conquest realized. If true, that means the scheme to take over this nation is on automatic pilot - and lives beyond the lives of the controllers, and then is passed on to others with a robotic like implementation of globalism. As time goes on the resistors to a new world order, also die off, and what and who remains is the great unknown.
For decades patriotic Americans have been standing guard against socialist propaganda and holding the line like volunteer firefighters. That effort paid off, and the tireless crusade to educate and inform the public kept the conspiracy against our nation in check. That is no longer the case. The ultra liberals have surged forward, collectively, to control the nation, to change and implement new laws on a wholesale basis. The end result is a nation more brainwashed by anti-American propaganda, and the creation of self loathing. White people have been inculcated with self hate and loathing, which is helping to empower minorities into power. The minorities are being used by the conspirators to do their bidding. They are the controlled masses to riot and protest for social change. Unfortunately they are fighting for their own future chains of slavery and don't even know it. 

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