
Friday, January 2, 2015

The Hillary haters; who are they? Who do they work for and why are they so silent about their love of scumbucket Jeb Bush?

The worst possible thing that could happen to this planet is for Jeb Bush to end up in the White House.  We have more than significant evidence that the upcoming election is already over.  Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan and New Mexico have voting systems in place with “hacks” at the ready, all to put Bush in the White House.
The result will be an expanded medium intensity war across Africa and Central Asia, a collapse of the US economy, $5 dollar gasoline, runaway health care prices and a new “dark age” with secret societies and the cabal in Tel Aviv ruling America.
False flag terror attacks are already planned to take the US power grid down for 36 months while a total police state is instituted.  We have identified the planners, seen the studies done “defensively” that are really the plan of action and know of 25 nuclear weapons configured for EMP.
not military heroes, not academics, not freedom lovers, not religious...certainly not American....neither fish nor fowl
not military heroes, not academics, not freedom lovers, not religious…certainly not American….neither fish nor fowl
But then, everyone knows this. Many have been partially exposed to Jeb’s background, his ties to cartel banking.  Few know much of the real history of the Bush family.  Jeb’s uncle Prescott, not the grandfather but the uncle, ran the family in secret.
He was the greatest arms dealer in the world, building the Chinese was his life’s ambition.  The real partners of the Bush family are the Chinese, who have been given everything while blaming others has been the job for stooges, the press, so many around us.
Ask yourself this, if we all know Bush will end America as we know it, as his brother did in 2001, finishing us off forever, why then are so many attacking Hillary and totally oblivious to the real threat?
Let’s talk about CIA briefers for a moment.  We have among us one or two claiming to be CIA presidential briefers during the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush2 era.  At that time, CIA briefings were typically unvetted trash from the Mossad, imaginary WMD’s, invented Al Qaeda, a fantasy any child could debunk.

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