
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The twisted medicine of immoral America: Killing your baby is a choice; protecting your baby is a crime

(NaturalNews) Throughout the history of collapsed civilizations, nearly all of them experienced a phase of rapid morality decline that preceded their ultimate implosion. The Nazi regime promoted the "science" of genetically-selected eugenics and mass death to "cleanse" the human race, for example, and then went on to commit heinous crimes against humanity, many of which were carried out by chemical companies that later became today's best-known pharmaceutical giants such as Bayer.

To any intelligent observer, the American empire today is also in the late stages of the decline of morality. America's Commander in Chief is an accomplished, masterful liar. America's financial system is run by thieves and crooks who call themselves "central bankers." America's Congress, with a few notable exceptions such as Rand Paul, is comprised of the hopelessly corrupt who desire power for themselves rather than defending the rights and freedoms of those they claim to represent.

But nowhere is the decline of morality more apparent and grotesque than in the realm of medicine, where the lives of children are systematically destroyed in the name of "evidence-based medicine" that's actually little more than a cartel of for-profit corporations seeking profit through the exploitation of human disease and suffering.

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