
Sunday, January 4, 2015

The U.S. Criminal Justice System Has Created Debtors Prisons and Slave Labor Camps (Part One)

prison 1
Many of the articles I write fall into the category of corporations (e.g.. bankers, weapons manufacturers, managed health care) imposing their unconstitutional and unethical will upon government and ultimately this serves to exploit the average person. This article falls into the same category. However, this story comes from an angle that most would find surprising. Specifically, the American criminal justice system is increasingly becoming a criminal enterprise system and you, taxpayer, are funding these unconstitutional and inhuman practices. .

The United States Is the World’s Biggest Jailer

The United States only has about four percent of the world’s population. Yet, the U.S. presently incarcerates over one quarter (25%) of world’s prison population. In this, the land of the free and the home of the brave, an American citizen has a six times greater chance of being incarcerated than in most other countries.  We lead the world in per-capita incarceration rates and the number is growing by leaps and bounds. Over the past 45 years, our prison population has risen by 700%. Incredibly, one in 99 American adults are behind bars in the U.S. Further, one in 31 adults are under some form of correctional control (e.g. prison, jail, parole and probation populations). All too frequently, incarcerations are the result of low-level, non-violent offenses.

Tragically, this is an intentional result of the American justice system which has been taken over by private corporations seeking to maximize profits at the expense of the poor. Why the poor, because the poor does not have the means to fight back.

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