
Thursday, January 1, 2015

They Youtubed Their Way to a Guilty Verdict. And the New World Order Went Down the Gurgler

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB
By now, anyone who is not wearing blindfolds can see that the most famous case of “Islamic terrorism,” 9-11, was a false flag, an inside job. That is, it was done by our American government. Maybe that sounds like bad news, but there is a hidden piece of good news in it. Please read this article straight through to the end. You won't be disappointed.
I will show how the designers of misery, whom I call collectively ‘the Baddy,’ have overplayed their hand and now want out. I mean there are men who unofficially run our nation -- and no, I’m not referring to ‘Jews’ -- who are acting psycho. We can help them calm down and accept their fate as has-beens. Really, we’re at the helm, in our good old democracy. (Never thought I’d be saying that!)
I’ve recently had a lucky Eureka moment as to how the evil game works. As explained below, it’s got something to do with the “Sandy Hook hoax,” which I think is not a hoax. (“The Sandy Hook hoax hoax,” we might call it.)
As for the Baddy’s motive to do all kinds of terrorist killings, it is, of course, to stay in power, even at the expense of the whole human population. Even at the expense of Nature. Kind of a stupid plan, eh? Don’t feel overwhelmed -- it is they who are feeling overwhelmed now. They need an escape. We can assist them.
A Quick List of Incidents To Be Discussed 

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