
Sunday, January 4, 2015

USSA Betting Against Ourselves Since WWII

One of the last ‘living lies’ from the Bush ‘die-nasty’ is on his death bed. This Skull & Bones member of the global criminal cabal, is the last literal connection to the official establishment of the Nazi regime, in the U.S. through his father Prescott Bush, who was convicted of aiding and abetting the enemy before and during WWII. The Bush family members are all Skull & Bones members.
Most of America knew nothing about this because in exchange for not going to jail for his crimes: Prescott Bush promised that “No member of the Bush clan would ever run for President of the United States”. Not only was that “promise” broken; in the fact of GWH Bush becoming the forty-first president, his twisted seed George Junior became the forty-third US president. Now his inept other brother, “Jeb” is slated to become the next president after Obamanation: That’s potentially three Nazi’s in a row, yet the people of the USSA still see nothing wrong with that?
To unravel how this came to pass we need to look back again into the history that was covered-up surrounding how GHW Bush managed to get into politics after his father, Prescott, was caught supporting the Nazi’s.

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