
Saturday, February 14, 2015

50,000 Dead in Ukraine! Ukraine Covers Up Mass Graves, Cremation and Organ Harvesting of Bodies!

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50,000 Dead in Ukraine! Fake News Covering Up Mass Graves, Cremation and Organ Harvesting of Bodies!
The last two episodes of Veterans Today were truly bombshell concerning the evil war started by the US in the Ukraine. The most shocking fact of them all is that German Intelligence and US Intelligence now put the official death toll in the Ukraine at 50,000! This means that the US installed puppet government is now responsible for the deaths of 50,000 people. These people were soldiers in the conscripted Ukrainian army, innocent women and children in Eastern and their brave soldiers protecting them in Eastern Ukraine from the Kiev butchers!
The Ukrainian army has been destroyed again and again but Washington DC and the puppet government don’t care about their losses. It’s all part of equation in their sick and twisted minds. The only good news here is that so far the evil Kiev government hasn’t been able to go in and butter all the women and children of Eastern Ukraine as they have already done time and time again. Oh and get this! These demons from hell in the Kiev army have actually been caught harvesting organs, murder and rape sides just shelling women and children because they are getting their butts handed to them on the battlefield because the people of Eastern Ukraine are fighting for their freedom! See this article for more details on this monstrous crime.
Here’s the shows on VT Radio where the real situation in Ukraine is covered! By the way, the “tip of the spear” man in alternative media had his attack dog Paul Joseph Watson come out and actually attack Gordon Duff and VT yesterday saying they were “conspiracy theorists”! Why did they do this to our patriots at US Intelligence who brought out the truth from Edward Snowden proving 9/11 was a nuclear attack? Because all of their fans are leaving their controlled opposition hangout once they hear briefings like you’ll hear below! Nobody gives briefings like Jim Dean and Gordon Duff. This is their job and that’s why the “controlled opposition” in alternative media has to either ignore them which is no longer working so now they are attacking them as people stop drinking their Koolaid and realize they’ve had 20 years with no solutions and no organizing recalls and the million other things that should have been done IF they weren’t being paid by somebody to censor the CRITICAL information such as you’ll find in these two recent shows! Keep spreading the truth! VT for Victory against the Illuminati! Friend me! 

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