
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Westminster sex abuse scandal we should all be talking about, but aren’t

In December of last year, Scotland Yard was handed a dossier by MPs containing the names of 22 high profile figures, including three current MPs and three members of the House of Lords, who it alleged were involved in a Westminster paedophile ring that operated in locations throughout the country in the 1970s and 80s. Labour MP John Mann, who spent months going through public reports about historic sex abuse cases, has said he expects the number of victims to come forward to total “many tens of thousands of people across the country”. The National Association for People Abused in Childhood, meanwhile, says politicians have been named by victims “again and again” on calls to a sex abuse helpline.
Police have also called a witness’s claims that the so-called ‘VIP sex abuse ring’ murdered three boys in front of him in the early 80s “credible and true”. ‘Nick’ told Exaro News how “he saw a former Conservative MP – before he left Parliament – strangle a boy to death during a sexual assault”, while a second child was killed “during a savage physical attack in front of a separate MP, a former Conservative cabinet minister”. A third boy was deliberately run over and killed in broad daylight as a “warning” to Nick, he says.

The father of an eight-year-old boy found murdered in 1981 also says he was informed by anonymous call that his child was killed by “judges and politicians” at the infamous Elm Guest House, apparently frequented by the VIP paedophile ring, while the brother of a 15-year-old boy who went missing in 1979 and whose disappearance has been linked to the Guest House was told by police he could “get hurt” for asking questions. Another witness – ‘Darren’ – has claimed a girl of 15, one of the regulars at the similarly notorious Dolphin Square apartment complex, disappeared after one VIP orgy. When asked what he thinks happened to her, Darren told Exaro News: “She’s dead.”

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