Friday, April 17, 2015

Child Trafficking – A Government Subsidy

NO, I am not talking about the classic definition of child trafficking, I am talking about a network in which Social Services takes children from homes, deposits them in foster care and then offers them up for adoption. It is big business. It is legal.
And it is pervasive.
Arizona has the dubious honor of being the worst offender in the nation. It is estimated that as of 2012, Arizona nets about $1.14 billion per year from this practice. Net. Apparently the federal government subsidizes foster care children to the tune of $6000-$7000 per month per child. The state then leases the child to a foster home for about $600 per month and the balance is pure profit. In addition, as a ward of the state, the child is subject to hospital ‘trials’, medications, surgeries, drugs, that are not yet approved. These children, as wards of the state, are guinea pigs without a voice. After the hospital is done, the child is put up for adoption. And given that the birth rate in the US has been dropping precipitously each year for the last five plus, there is a shortage of adoptees. Supply and demand – and the value of the child/ward goes up to $25,000 plus, and that too is all gravy for the state.
Children are thus a commodity traded and sold.

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