Thursday, April 16, 2015

Vanishing Clusters Of People 'Chilling New Patterns' Found In Mysterious Disappearances- Coast To Coast Interview With David Paulides

Former law enforcement officer David Paulides joined Coast to Coast with host George Knapp to discuss the topic of his multiple books, which is mysterious disappearances, which as we are informed, have increased over the last three years. Paulides has documented over 1400 cases that fit a certain criteria, which previously included clusters of vanishing people from National Parks and the refusal of authorities to investigate or help him in his investigations.

Children disappearing from right under their parents noses, later found in areas described as "inaccessible," with no explanation as to how those children ended up there. Clothing found. sometimes neatly folded. Bodies discovered in locations that had already been searched a dozen times, even one instance where the body suddenly appeared on the very trail that searchers used to access other locations to search.

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