
Thursday, May 14, 2015

18 Year Old Girl Dies In Jail After Police Accused Her Of Faking Medical Emergency

Lebanon, PA — Victoria ‘Tori’ Herr died in Lebanon County Correctional Facility last month after police hesitated to provide her with medical care for several days. Herr was addicted to heroin and began to go into withdrawal when she was taken into custody.
This is a situation that can be potentially deadly if not handled with care. Sadly, the corrections officers at the jail accused her of “faking,” and refused to get her medical care until it was too late.



  1. I think it is insulting to label the cause of her death accidental....
    I don't believe just because the alleged lab tests said a, b, and c that it was accidental.....
    Drug addicted babies must be weaned off this drug and adult users go to methadone clinics for years to treat their addiction some stay on it all their life so what right does a prison have cutting an addict off from proper and adequate treatment? So either the methadone clinics operating today are frauds or the prisons way of treating those addicted to heroin you be the judge.
    They claim all protocols were followed if that is there protocol per their own admission they should be shut down.
    Guards should be required to call emergency services or at least the inmates should have that right it is not an unreasonable request and what would the prison have to lose by changing it's policy except of course more precious lives...........?
    If you or your loved one was in prison would you want to be denied medical emergency access too? Ok then that is why this should be changed so they can't claim they followed "protocol" and believe they are not responsible....
    So just so I understand and you readers too, it's not prison policy for guards or inmates to call emergency services when they are needed but it is their policy for the guards to stand around and watch someone suffer to death? Heck of a policy who ever came up with that should be jailed and charged themselves......
    Also according to the reports performed cpr for 30 to 40 min. before even calling emergency services that should be a crime in and of itself.... They knew she needed emergency care immediately the ambulance could have performed CPR if needed why would they wait that long? Oh that's right their alleged policy........They also obviously are not equipped to deal with such emergencies or she wouldn't have been taken to a hospital that to me is indicative enough to support that statement....
    This case makes me sick and to know that is their policy makes me very concerned for people in prison....

  2. I also want to mention that inhumane conditions were reported to local agencies who claim to be a go between for inmates and prison officials. They are non-profit and claim to have government officials within the organization.
    When things are reported to them and no change happens for years they remain the same it makes me wonder if they are just damage control?
    I have proof of emails that were sent and the responses with the director of one such organization and like I said things remain the same......
    I even mentioned they should contact the Department of Justice cause people are dying and lives are at stake the response I got was very disappointing I was told to wait until they get more people together little did they know I had already sent the complaints to the Department of Justice, special litigation section - civil rights devision. I couldn't just "wait" knowing lives are at stake. Which leaves me with a question how many deaths will it take to see some adequate and much needed change?. I also mentioned all the local organizations and every official I contacted regarding these issues.... I thought that's what the local organizations/officials were for but then I came to a sickening reality based on my experience that such organizations are nothing more than like I said damage control and that is my opinion. When I put it all together that is the conclusion I came to...Except for the Department of Justice God Bless them. They responded a week after I sent out the letter. If people don't tell them they won't know it's not like the prison is going to volenteer that information......Otherwise I wouldn't have to so anyone with concerns for prisoners let the Department of Justice know they actually care.....and you don't get the run around and it's not a waste of time.
    Any one have any other thoughts or suggestions?
