
Saturday, June 6, 2015

13 year CIA veteran talks about the Dirty Secrets of George Bush Sr and how the Establishment controls the American government.

Vatic Note:  Wow, first lets remember this interview was done pre-reagan election cycle, so we are looking at pre 1981, when both Reagan and Bush were running for President. And this guy talks about his prediction of what it will be like in this country if Bush Sr, as head of CIA, is elected President.  What he says is that this will be the first step in creating a National Security state.

Now, that is the most prophetic statement anyone has ever made that far in advance of today and that is exactly what has happened, as we can see today.  Also remember, Reagan refused to take Bush as his VP, when he won the nomination.  He did not trust Bush, did not like him and refused, until Rockefeller (the international khazar banker) called him up to NY and badgered Reagan into taking Bush as his VP. 

Then, after they won the election, Reagan was shot, or stabbed depending on whose story you read, and if he had died as was the plan, then Bush would have been President for 4 more years than he was, where he could have done a lot more damage.  Nancy guaranteed Bush that Reagan would do as he was told to do, if BUSH WOULD STOP TRYING TO KILL REAGAN.  Apparently it worked, since Reagan did as he was told, and no more attempts were made on his life.

I am old enough to remember all of this when it came down.

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