
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Adam Lanza Of Dallas And The False Flag President Aka Obama

The little boy who repeatedly bellowed, “Wolf!” was eventually ignored by those who heard his incessant cries. The same (scenario) is taking place here in aka Obama’s false flag (i.e. false reality) America.

One of the better known aka Obama photo shopped frauds. The top White House fraud begets a government of fraud. For explanation of this above pic, note: “Family pictures of young Barack and Michelle Obama are fake” – 

Increasingly, scores of honest and intelligent Americans are catching on. They know that widely reported events such as the (so-called) Sandy Hook “Shooting” and the alleged Boston Marathon “Bombing” were government contrived propaganda / violence events. They know that “like” produces “like.” They know that the criminal ID (forgery) fraud, aka Obama is only practicing his same-type [of] deceit upon this United States. That being, false reality. They know that his Fascist goal is to completely control every political, social and economic facet of this great country.

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