
Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Fall Of Man, Switching Sides Under The Gemini Sun, A Full Moon Screed

Bruce becomes Caitlyn under the Gemini Sun. There are no accidents. Throw in a Mercury Retrograde (going backwards) and a little perverse Mars action in the sign of the Twins and the astrological cannon was locked and loaded for a little role reversal, gene switch. Did we expect anything less from a family, that traffics in duality and illuminist monochromatic lifescapes? No, of course not. It’s all in the script and Bruce Jenner is being lauded as a hero for switching sides. While he’s a cause celeb for sexual confusion, there’s little mention of the life he took while texting in his car. That slight, trans-gression will be forgiven by the dark judges of this world, but I doubt that it will slip past the reckoning of the next one.
We’re all talking about it, so I might as well too. Since this is the Sag Full Moon, opposing the Gemini Sun, I’m going to give two takes on what we’re witnessing and please keep in mind, these are my takes and I take full responsibility for what you are about to read.
I’m disgusted. The roiling, stomach-churn that I’m dealing with has nothing to do with Jenner’s tuck and fold, but the fact that I have to explain this to my son and my explanation will not sync with the Vox Populi’s version of events. You see, I am raising my son to be a MAN, not an experiment, not a forced mutation, not one of the EX-MEN and frankly I don’t give a shit if you have a problem with it. I believe that we were incarnated and born into these bodies and WE MADE THESE CHOICES and by doing so we get to understand the genetic predisposition that we have chosen. I know, I know, it’s a radical, even regressive mindset, but without science and the dark magic of hormone manipulation, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Men in general are being and have been demonized ever since Betty Friedan launched her hate campaign against them. Feminism was never about equal rights, but tearing down the structures of the family and the male/female relationship. Name me one, straight, male, role model for our boys? Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. We could venture into the realm of pro sports, but even that’s dicey. From steroids to domestic abuse, that’s a minefield. How about the guys that took Bin Laden out? Zero Dark Thirty. I mean c’mon. He was the modern Hitler and we all know how Audie Murphy, Patton, and Jimmy Doolittle were lionized in WWII. Oh, I forgot, supposedly twenty-of-those guys are dead and if you really followed the plot, you’d know that Bin Laden was a very close friend of the Bush family and likely died in 2005 due to a rare kidney condition. So, scratch those “heroes.”

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