
Monday, June 1, 2015

Turn Out the Lights and Lock the Door I Hear the Fat Lady Singing

Breitbart: A white man in Baltimore was sitting in his car when two female er, teens got into a fight. To continue this enterprise they climbed atop his car, perhaps mistaking it for a tree. He got out and asked them to take their dispute somewhere else, whereupon fifty er, teens beat him nearly to death, leaving him with $200,000-$400,000 in medical bills. The daily grind. Life as usual. If fifty whites similarly beat an er, teen, cities would burn and the media would go crazy. In this case, silence will prevail. American-Africans can do no wrong. But something is wrong in America..

1 comment:

  1. The daily grind. Life as usual. If fifty whites similarly beat an er, teen, cities would burn and the media would go crazy. garland tx locksmith
