
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

John McCain is no war hero – he has covered up POW’s left behind in Vietnam for years

McCain the “strange champion” of hiding prisoner of war evidence

(INTELLIHUB) — In the last week there has been a tremendous amount of mainstream media coverage over comments made by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump that Senator and Vietnam vet John McCain is not a war hero.
While one can endlessly debate whether or not Trump should have made the comment, the fact remains that John McCain has a long history of covering up and suppressing evidence of left behind POW’s in Vietnam.
In 2008, award-winning career journalist Sydney Schanberg  published a detailed and convincing account that proved that Senator McCain had “quietly pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents.”
The article, as well as subsequent reports by Schanberg that detailed how the mainstream press had purposefully covered up the story, should be read by all Americans. Key portions of the article are quoted below:

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