
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Justin Bieber’s “Where Are U Now” is Full of Quickly Flashing Illuminati Imagery

Justin Bieber’s “Where Are U Now” video features hundreds of images superimposed on the singer, all flashing at high speed. Unsurprisingly enough, there’s a whole lot of Illuminati symbolism.

Although this is my first full article on Justin Bieber, it is nevertheless quite obvious that has been a major music industry pawn for years. Considering that he was discovered and marketed at a very young age, Bieber most likely went through the most horrific path to success, which includes being “introduced” to some of the biggest creeps in the industry and “initiated” through some kind of abusive and degrading ritual. He also may have been even subjected to mind control.
As if he was chosen to play a specific role, Bieber’s career has revolved around an astonishingly long list of humiliating and embarrassing events ranging from strange, erratic behavior (not unlike other MK child stars such as Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes) to brushes with law enforcement officials around the world.

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