
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

United By Hate – The Jihad To Destroy Ancient History And The War To Confiscate American Culture

What a truly wretched week. It began with the senseless massacre of nine worshippers in a church in Charleston, South Carolina. It continued the following Saturday with three people being mowed down in Graz, Austria. If that wasn’t enough, the week ended the following Friday with three acts of Islamic jihad on three continents killing sixty-eight people.
Five terrible events yet there were clear differences in the way they were reported. These differences reveal more than you may think at first glance.
After the shootings in Charleston, the President of the United States Barrack Obama cynically exploited the atrocity for political gain. Determined to make the atrocity about race, he linked it right back to slavery and accused Americans of having racism in their DNA. The accusation doesn’t implicate ALL Americans though. It applies only to white Americans, especially those from the South.
He wasn’t alone in exploiting the shootings. Both Republicans and Democrats called for the Confederate flag to be banned, labelling it “an offensive symbol of racism”. Then came calls for the statue of General Robert E. Lee and the bust of Lieutenant-General Nathan Bedford Forrest to be taken down. As the anti-Southern hysteria intensified, there were even calls for the classic novel “Gone With The Wind” to be banned.

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