
Thursday, September 17, 2015

CNN tried to destroy Donald Trump with vaccine autism question, but he gave this AMAZING response

(NaturalNews) During the widely televised Republican debates hosted by CNN, debate moderators tried to destroy Donald Trump with a "gotcha" question about vaccines and autism.

As Natural News readers know, a top CDC scientist has publicly confessed to taking part in the CDC's fraudulent cover-up of data linking vaccines to autism in African-Americans. Both the CDC and the mainstream media -- including CNN -- have gone to tremendous lengths to censor this news, bury the truth and pretend that vaccines have no links to autism.

Of all the candidates running for President, Donald Trump is the only one who has publicly expressed intelligent skepticism over the insane vaccine schedule now being pushed on the children of America by a federal government that's run by Big Pharma profit interests.

1 comment:

  1. It just begone they can't hid the truth for ever. The truth is larger than they are: ( CNN,BIG PHARMA, POLITICS ETC.) And this truth will soon become their reality.
