
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

EPA now trying to swindle Native Americans out of compensation after polluting their land with toxic waste

(NaturalNews) The Obama administration, which regularly touts itself as a champion for minorities, is attempting to cheat thousands of Native Americans out of future compensation that is rightly theirs following a horrendously damaging toxic chemical spill in Colorado recently.

The Washington Times reported that tribal leaders say the Obama Environmental Protection Agency is attempting to cheat Navajo Indians by convincing them to sign away rights to future claims following the agency's Gold King Mine disaster. These charges are only magnifying the White House's public relations problems following the toxic spill, which threatens to disrupt critical waterways in the Southwest for many years to come.

Within days of the disaster, EPA officials began going door to door asking Navajos – some of whom do not speak English as their primary language – to sign a form offering to pay them some damages they have incurred from the spill so far. Signing the document waives any rights to return with new claims in the future if costs spiral higher than expected or if they encounter new, currently unforeseen fallout, Navajo President Russell Begaye told The Washington Times.

"It is underhanded. They're just trying to protect their pocketbook," he told the paper in a telephone interview.

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