
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Splodey Head Alert – Shock Poll: 59% of Americans Favor Forced Deportation of Illegal Aliens – Even 40% Hispanics Support Forced Deportation….

Whoopsie, Ann Coulter is profoundly vindicated, Donald Trump has the pulse of the electorate, and Hillary Clinton’s “cattle-cars” talking point appears a little, well, out-of-touch with the majority of adult Americans.

(Via IBD) Immigration: When Donald Trump proposed mandatory deportation of illegal aliens, pundits and politicians on both sides of the political aisle were appalled. But on this issue it looks like Trump has the public on his side.
The fire from the right was almost as fierce as that from the left. “It’s not conservative and it’s not realistic and it does not embrace American values,” said Jeb Bush.
Sen. Lindsey Graham called it “absolute gibberish.”
Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer called the idea “crackpot” and “morally obscene.”
But the prize for overheated rhetoric goes to Hillary Clinton, who said Trump wants to “literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up, put them, I don’t know, in buses, boxcars, in order to take them across our border.”
So what do these folks say about the fact that the majority of Americans back Trump

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