
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Russian Plane "Broke Apart In The Air," Officials Say As Investigators Frantically Search For "Clues"

Just when it seemed as though the conflict in Syria and the attendant ISIS saga couldn’t possibly get any more surreal, on Saturday a Russian passenger jet fell out of the sky over the Sinai Peninsula. Subsequently, ISIS claimed responsibility and released a video clip that purportedly depicts the mid-air explosion that brought the plane down.
All 224 people on board were killed including 17 children. It was the worst “accident” in the history of Russian aviation. Bodies are reportedly scattered as far as 8 kilometers from the crash site. "We found a three-year-old girl eight kilometres from the scene" of the main wreckage, one official told AFP. The picture shown below, which depicts Darina, a 10-month old girl killed in the crash staring at planes before flying to Egypt, has gone viral.

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