
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Globalist Lockdown is here to Stay

The theater that has become the international political scene is entering its last act. As the actors play out their specific roles and read from the script that was written for them by the mega elites, the general audience in the crowd do not know to clap or hiss the production. All the absurd instances that rip apart the last vestige of civilized culture are ready for the final imposition of the Illuminati system for total control. The few brave souls that remain in the struggle for combating the evil forces of globalism are the prime target for elimination.
The stupidity that has taken over the mindsets of the compliant proves that most people do not deserve to be free. Since the willingness to accept despotism is so prevalent, what can stop the imposition of the most repressive oppression that is unfolding before our eyes daily?
“Refusal to question or exhibiting the timidity by sitting on their hands, after knowing the ridiculousness of official accounts of government benevolence, rejects the entire heritage of philosophical inquiry. Hobbes view of human nature seems accurate. However, his alternative for the State provides false cover for the despots that thrive on their desire for psychological manipulation of citizens for the benefit of their tyrannical fellow travelers.”
Optimism in a future better for the next generation has been so discredited that only a fool would argue that the proponents of individual liberty are winning. The vast majority has been so completely indoctrinated into accepting a perverted version of reality that with every new incident of cooked up terror, the default response is to go into a panic mode and demand additional security protection.
It seems that the only sane response is to ignore the trumped up “situation” and concentrate on the way the globalists benefit from their media induced crisis management society.
What kicked off this systematic lobotomy inducement of mental illness?
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