
Sunday, June 5, 2016


On November 13, 2013 I attended the Charlevoix County Commissioner's meeting. I arrived late and saw Telgie as soon as I walked in. I then sat down in the front row.

There was a gentleman sitting there named Bob Taylor, who was there to address the commission regarding the current sitting prosecuting attorney Allen Telgenhof.

It seems that Telgie failed to file proper documentation with the county clerk  - a campaign finance compliance affidavit - which is a misdemeanor.

In fact ,Roger Conaway also addressed the commission with his concerns that the Michigan Attorney General declined to prosecute Telgenhof for his casual attitude regarding his campaign financing filings.


Roger Conaway's statement to the commissioners.

Roger's letter the the Michigan Attorney General's office.

Campaign Finance Compliance Affidavit

Roger's FOIA Request

The AG's Response

After both Bob Taylor and Roger Conaway spoke, the commission allowed Tegie a chance
 to explain himself. While he did take responsibility for his ignorance of the law, he was also 
quick to deflect the attention focused on him by pointing out all of the other elected officials
 who also failed to file the proper forms before assuming office.

I then read my statement to the commissioners. I covered the disturbing cases of Judge 
Pajtas / Albert Frost. Judge Pajtas / Wayne Wynkoop / Judge Power, Judge Pajtas / Dennis Mikko ( The Antrim court referee caught soliciting sex from what he thought was a 15 year old boy on MySpace who was actually a state trooper. Pajtas let Mikko off the hook).

 And I discussed the tragic death of Wayne Wynkoop  and his friend and business associate from Torture Lake.

See link for poor Wayne's story:

And then we have the judges up here in Northern Michigan:

I then elaborated on Telgie's misdeeds that include writing more than one bad check, taking property from his landlord, two situations of alleged domestic violence that Antrim County failed to prosecute, even though there was more than enough evidence to secure a conviction.

I also mentioned that Telgie cut the owner's locks off  of his storage unit after failing to pay his bill and removed his possessions. He only paid up after being threatened with legal action.( Read statement below)

My Statement


As I walked from the commissioner' room, this enormous blonde woman got in my face and said, "Good job being Jarema's pawns." 

Someone said something to her and I heard he say that she can't help it. She looks very similar to Telgie's campaign manager Phoebe Witzke.

I stepped to the left in the hallway with Roger to wait for Bob Taylor when Telgie approached me. He held out his hand and I shook it and he introduced himself, smiling like a shark the entire time.

As I was retracting my hand, this woman got in my face and grabbed my hand, squeezing it as hard as she could while pretending to shake it.

 She was sadistically grinding my hand bones together. She said," Judy Telgenhof, I love your blog."

I said thank you.

This was an assault as far as I am concerned. I feel that her intentionally hurting me and putting her hands on me uninvited meets the standard of assault.

 But who do you report this to in Charlevoix?

Mrs. Telgie then went on to say,"I understand that you have some things in your past."

I said that I do and  that it is all on the blog.

She then asked me how I would like that printed in the newspaper and I told her to go right ahead.

My story can be found at the links in this post:

Telgie then says to Roger,"I didn't know that you weren't happy with my representation of you." There were more words exchanged as Telgie's goon squad closed in on those of us who spoke out at the meeting.

Telgie then told Bob Taylor to watch what he says about people. I took this as a threat and extracted myself from the wall that we were were backed into and  I went outside.

What a poor reflection of the county and I am sure that the commissioners wouldn't approve of their actions.

When Roger came out, he told me that Telgie told Bob that he is having Jarema's office watched and he knows Bob was in there for 2 hours before the meeting.

Doesn't Telgie and his cronies (who are being paid at taxpayer expense), have better things to do while they are supposed to be working? How many hours do they waste spying on Jarema's office during business hours?

This was one of the most unprofessional things that I have ever experienced.

 As citizens Roger, Bob and I have the right to speak our minds at a public forum  about an elected official.

We also have the right to leave the meeting without being accosted by said elected official (Telgenhof) and his goon squad in what appeared as attempt to intimidate us.

This is so wrong on so many levels . We are not going to let this go unreported.

I just received a comment for moderation insulting me and accusing me of doing this for other people and participating in this project for reasons other than my true motivations.

All I can say is that this is bigger than any one person and this blog is about corruption, injustice, good and evil and right and wrong.

If someone has a guilty conscience and thinks that this blog is all about them, maybe they need to look up the definition for the word narcissist.

In closing, the truth and the liars will be the focus going forward. I will fear no evil, since I have been victimized since infancy. 

 I am not seeking sympathy for myself, but for the other victims like Wayne Wynkoop who was unable to defend himself, like so many other victims, no matter how much money they spend on attorneys in an effort to exercise their constitutional rights.

It's unfortunate when evil prevails over good, but it is even more sickening when public officials use tax payer dollars to victimize others to facilitate their own ruthless ambitions.

 The truth will keep coming out until justice is served.


TPL responds to The Charlevoix Truthteller.

The creators of The Charlevoix County Truthteller apparently haven't read enough on this blog to understand my interest in Charlevoix County government. I will break it down for everyone and hopefully the reader will conclude that this project was in the works for months before the prosecuting attorney's race.

This is not a personal vendetta, although my experiences with the local judiciary motivate me to at least try to make a difference in this world for my children and grandchildren. I am tired of watching all of the corruption that has become business as usual.

Before I do that I want to comment on this comment sent to TPL. I wasn't going to publish it but now I will, with a breakdown of the truth.

Everyone knows that Greg Karem is behind this along with Jarema. It's so sad that you're being used
 like this. Fortunately, intelligent people realize that your rants are completely unfounded. Why don't
 the people who are hiding behind you show their faces? I'm sure you are a good person and don't need
 to be used in order to feel important. If you need help escaping their control, I'm sure there are people
out there that can help. You might start with CMH.

 I have not met John Jarema and I have no reason to. While I am grateful for the concern about my
 mental wellbeing, I wouldn't send a rapid dog to Community Mental Health
.( An agency my son and I sued - they settled with us out of court. Basically they locked my 11 year
 old son in a mental hospital and used him to funnel money through their agencies in Antrim while
 failing to notify The Human Rights Committee and The Behavior Management Committee of my 
child's confinement.)
I am not being used by anyone. This blog was created as a clearinghouse for information about local
I post other information to keep the readers interested and coming back to visit our blog.

We have hits from around the world every day. See the view counter on the homepage - we have almost
 27,000 hits in 9 months. This is not a blog about Charlevoix.
As an Antrim County citizen I have concerns about court cases and judges being sent across county line
s for dismissal. Here are just a few examples.
Nobody is hiding behind me. I opted to tell the sickening story of how Wayne Wynkoop's neighbors 
drove him to suicide.
I have no delusions of grandeur and I have no desire to be in the spotlight. Circumstances have forced 
me to become active in trying to restore justice to our local judiciary. I don't need to feel important.
I don't need help escaping anyone's control and you are wrong in your assertions that someone is
 making me do things like speaking at a public meeting. I actually kind of liked it.
As for CMH, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone.
Two weeks before our federal lawsuit was to be heard, I turned down $50,000. US District Court Judge
 Robert Jonker then dismissed the case on questionable grounds.

Now to dissect the Charlevoix Truteller article about me - See at link below:

As I explained above, my interest is in the Good Old Boys Club and the appearance of trading of
 favors over county lines, as well as the selective and malicious prosecution that regularly occurs in all
 of our local court system.

The Truthteller claims that I, along with Greg Karan and John Jarema belong to  an anti- government 

What is the name of this group?

That is false and they need to retract this statement or provide the proof of their very serious
 allegations that they are making against us.

Who and how am I harassing County officials? I copy and pasted news articles and I spoke at a public
 meeting regarding what I believe to be the truth about the sitting prosecuting attorney, Allen Telgenhof.
 Who else am I harassing?

The corruption up here is notorious throughout the state and I am just putting the facts in one place.
 If someone feels that they are being portrayed in a negative light, perhaps they should have thought 
of that before covering for Telgie and helping to finance the smear campaign against Jarema.

I did post two articles about domestic violence at the Telgenhof residence and I posted a link to another
 blog regarding Marybeth Kur and her son's allegations that his parents were abusive.

I actually posted that because there is a transcript of a call between Kur and the sheriff asking to protect
 her family's privacy.

I was making a point about how certain people are able to manipulate the system up here. I feel sorry
 for her son.

I have been told that the Crime Victim's Rights Act only applies is someone has been charged with a
 crime. Since nobody has - my point exactly- then I guess I haven't done anything wrong.

About my family history. I was victimized by my father and it is pretty sick of them to even bring that

My "vendetta" is not about Antrim - it is about all of the corruption that I see everywhere around me.
 My experience just opened my eyes to what the truth is about our local court systems.

My 10 year old son was sexually tortured at Havenwyck Hospital and I sued them and was only two 
weeks from trial when Judge Jonker buckled and shafted us.

 He is the one who called it The Clockwork Orange case, not me.

My oldest son is still in trouble for pushing his wife and taking his phone from her and smashing it
 while she was calling 911. It is a crime to interfere with a 911 call.

Unlike the Telgenhof situation, where Antrim prosecutor Erin House let Telgie off the hook and nobody
 was arrested (apparently because he is an attorney in Charlevoix and he didn't want to get in trouble- 
so he didn't), my son did not bite his wife, he did not smother his wife and he did not freak out on the 
furniture with a knife.

Hmm.... Listen to 911 call for yourself at link below. Not enough evidence to prosecute?

Herein lies my interest in Charlevoix County government and cozy relationship that it appears that 
certain individuals have with those in the Antrim County government. Jarema has nothing to do with

Why is my son on probation and Allen Telgenhof is prosecuting domestic abusers? Seems hypocritical
 to me.

The Truthteller is attempting  to discredit me and deflect attention away from their poor behavior. Read
 for yourself the "unfounded " news articles and see what the truth is.

Links in no particular order:

Telgies 911 domestic violence call:

His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:

“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting

 an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down
 preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the
 couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen
 kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not 
breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back
 on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he
 prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally 
let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house
 phone.” From the FOIA Request

The 911 tape
See more at The Prosecutor

More Here:

My pedophile father's appeal, which is where the Truthteller got that filth about my dad to put on my 
blog. My father was a monster and my childhood was a nightmare.

Link to the Wayne Wynkoop tragedy . Judge Pajtas and his cronies destroyed an entire family.

Judge Power is also an Antrim Judge. Repeatedly ruled against Wayne, even though the law was on
 Wayne's side.

Charlevoix Judge Richard Pajtas let pedophile Antrim court referee Dennis Mikko walk away from
 these charges of perversion.

Judge Jonker ,who called my son's case against Havenwyck Hospital "The Clockwork Orange Case"
 featured at link below. See what law firm he came from - it explains a lot.

Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills Michigan

Psychiatric Solutions, Inc - Chain that owned Havenwyck during my son's so called "bizarre" treatment.Thanks for recognizing it for what it is. It is called aversion therapy and penile plethysmographs.

Aversion Therapy

Erin House sat on the complaint against Antrim foster dad/pedophile Jere Clark. The Northern Express
 covered this sick story. House also declined to prosecute Telgenhof for domestic violence.

See article here:

Mary Beth Kur Link:

My son's story in The Northern Express

After reviewing the above material I hope the readers of The Pretty Lie can see what the truth is. John
 Jarema is not behind this.

This is just a small portion of the information on this blog.Please read more at the links on the right.

To Be Continued.......

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