The comment section on this blog has been getting spammed by another local blogger, so we thought this would be a good point in this project to explain why we are doing this and why we have now been forced to moderate all comments before they are posted, especially when they are posted anonymously.
The posts are mean spirited, immature and have no documentation to support the allegations being made against former Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney John Jarema. And for the hundredth time, Jarema has NOTHING to do with this. I have never met him and I only know what he looks like from news articles that I have only recently looked at after getting complaints from readers about the bias on this site.
I don't know where some of the information that I posted originated from. I do know that I have a source who has contacts in amazing places and the story was correct so I posted it. We have a confidentiality policy based on trust and we keep things on a need to know basis. Trust and integrity mean everything to those who are contributing behind the scenes at TPL. I have only put my face and story out there because I filmed for the documentary Lawless America.
My reasons are purely personal, as I hope that I can explain myself once and for all by the time I finish this post.
Someone else went on a racist rant in the comment section that was full of perverted filth against the Jews and I didn't see it for a few days. We are neither racist or haters here or do we approve of this behavior. We are all brothers and sisters and you are either good or evil and that is how we judge others that we encounter. Actions speak louder than words. We apologize if anyone was offended. We try to keep this site clean.
To answer the question about why we haven't posted anything about Jarema, it is simple. This case is pending and we are waiting for the conclusion and we will print the results when this is concluded. We are looking into this matter and have been following this fiasco called the Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney race since it came to light in the newspapers.
Interestingly, as I look into Jarema and his integrity I keep finding more evidence and information regarding the questionable and seemingly shady behavior of those pointing a finger at Mr. Jarema.
Here is what I have ascertained from my viewing of the news articles, etc. Jarema was assistant prosecutor under Marybeth Kur and was fired by her. He sued and won a judgment against the county and received a cash award. Why is Jarema accused of costing the county money when he successfully sued Charlevoix County and won a cash judgment, then when someone in the popular crowd sues Charlevoix County (Fanara) and the attorneys are racking up the billable hours like crazy and Jarema gets the blame for that too. So I have concluded that everything is Jarema's fault.
If he sues he's wrong and if he gets sued he's wrong. The usual double standard from those who are themselves above the law for some reason.
Here is a selection of links and info that are in no particular order. Hopefully they will show the truth about those intent on ruining Jarema.
From what I understand, there is a position soon to be available in the judge's seat and some of Jarema's accusers are also interested in becoming judge.
We have been looking into this matter and we see no indication that John Jarema wants to be judge other than from his enemies at the courthouse. Hopefully the voters will read the below information and make the correct choice on election day.
Charlevoix County and its prosecuting attorney: Sued on six counts

Some highlights from the article.
The counts include sexual harassment, defamation, retaliation, deprivation of free speech, deprivation of liberty and intentional interference with contractual relations.
A long history of discord in the prosecutor's office has led up to this legal climax. At Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners meetings in April and May, Fanara pleaded with commissioners to step in and stop Jarema from continuing behavior she alleged was "bullying."
Fanara has accused Jarema of lying to county commissioners and a judge, refusing to pay her for work she did, launching a false investigation into her on-the-clock county hours, restricting her job duties, failing to register her for a student loan payback program, falsely accusing her of obtaining warrants without probable cause and perhaps the most egregious allegation -- that Jarema spread false rumors about her having sex with a defense attorney in exchange for better plea bargains.
After filing the grievance, Fanara was placed on medical leave by doctors after she experienced stress-related tension headaches she previously said are attributed to Jarema's poor treatment of her.
She was out of the office for 12 weeks on medical leave and came back to the office in July. She claims the bullying continued upon her return, so she used up her vacation time until the August primary election, after which she returned to work.
According to the lawsuit filed against Jarema and the county, after Fanara spoke out to commissioners and the public about the alleged harassment by Jarema, she was retaliated against through further harassment by Jarema, her job duties were scaled back and she was told her employment would not be continued, and would be terminated, in 2013.
Prosecutor-elect, Allen Telgenhof, will likely take over the prosecutor's office in January, and along with it control of staffing in the office.
"I don't think it's appropriate to comment," on whether Fanara will be terminated, said Telgenhof.
The rumors Jarema allegedly spread about Fanara having sex with defense attorneys are the top bullet point in Fanara's lawsuit explaining why she believes she has been sexually harassed. It is followed by claims that Jarema and the county threatened to file unfounded complaints against her with the attorney grievance commission, falsely accused her of submitting false time sheets and authorizing warrants without probable cause, refused to register her for a federal student loan payback program, reduced her pay, denied her access to the office and restricted her job duties.
The comments also qualify as defamation, claims the lawsuit, because they resulted in damage to Fanara's reputation in the community, her ability to find work, emotional distress, humiliation, sleeplessness, migraine headaches, tension headaches and anxiety.
Fanara is claiming she has been deprived of her freedom of speech by the county and Jarema because, after she spoke out to the public about Jarema's alleged harassment, the county retaliated against and terminated her because of, or on the basis of, "Her exercise of her constitutionally protected speech on a matter of public concern."
Jarema denies six allegations including sexual discrimination, defamation –
The outgoing Charlevoix County prosecutor denied all six counts brought against him and against Charlevoix County by his former chief assistant prosecutor, including sexual harassment, defamation, retaliation, deprivation of free speech, deprivation of liberty and intentional interference with contractual relations. Jarema was defeated in the August primary election by incoming prosecuting attorney Alan Telgenhof who will take over the county prosecutor’s office Jan. 1.
Jarema claims he is covered by governmental immunity, the damage to her reputation is Fanara’s own fault, her own actions were the reason she was fired, her headaches existed before any alleged harassment and, Jarema adds, “the truth as to any matter asserted is a defense” in regards to the statements he made about Fanara’s alleged sexual relations with a defense attorney.
Jarema also claims that Fanara “failed to mitigate damages” during her employment, her financial distress or loss of earnings are not the fault of her employer and that her gender “was never a factor in any employment action.”
After Jarema launched an investigation against Fanara through the state Attorney General’s office claiming she had charged a defendant without probable cause, officials found the assistant prosecutor did nothing wrong.
TPL says: Just because you don't get in trouble, it doesn't mean you didn't do something wrong.
The rumors Jarema allegedly spread about Fanara having sex with a defense attorney are the top bullet point in Fanara’s lawsuit explaining why she believes she has been sexually harassed. It is followed by claims that Jarema and the county threatened to file unfounded complaints against her with the Attorney Grievance Commission, falsely accused her of submitting false time sheets and authorizing warrants without probable cause, refused to register her for a federal student loan payback program, reduced her pay, denied her access to the office and restricted her job duties
Lawsuit Summary
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur - Charlevoix -
According to reports, Deputy Bush transported Kur's son to the hospital. "When talking to the doctor, a statement was made that Stephen Kur had hit his son the night before and attempted to push him down the stairs. It was also stated that both of the parents had been mentally abusive to their son..."
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night to Charlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded.
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
Much More At Link:
In conclusion, it sure does seem to us that Telgenhof and his supporters are hypocrites and are self serving in their ambitions. Anyone with their critical thinking skills still intact can see than something is very wrong up here in Northern Michigan.
The posts are mean spirited, immature and have no documentation to support the allegations being made against former Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney John Jarema. And for the hundredth time, Jarema has NOTHING to do with this. I have never met him and I only know what he looks like from news articles that I have only recently looked at after getting complaints from readers about the bias on this site.
I don't know where some of the information that I posted originated from. I do know that I have a source who has contacts in amazing places and the story was correct so I posted it. We have a confidentiality policy based on trust and we keep things on a need to know basis. Trust and integrity mean everything to those who are contributing behind the scenes at TPL. I have only put my face and story out there because I filmed for the documentary Lawless America.
My reasons are purely personal, as I hope that I can explain myself once and for all by the time I finish this post.
Someone else went on a racist rant in the comment section that was full of perverted filth against the Jews and I didn't see it for a few days. We are neither racist or haters here or do we approve of this behavior. We are all brothers and sisters and you are either good or evil and that is how we judge others that we encounter. Actions speak louder than words. We apologize if anyone was offended. We try to keep this site clean.
To answer the question about why we haven't posted anything about Jarema, it is simple. This case is pending and we are waiting for the conclusion and we will print the results when this is concluded. We are looking into this matter and have been following this fiasco called the Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney race since it came to light in the newspapers.
Interestingly, as I look into Jarema and his integrity I keep finding more evidence and information regarding the questionable and seemingly shady behavior of those pointing a finger at Mr. Jarema.
Here is what I have ascertained from my viewing of the news articles, etc. Jarema was assistant prosecutor under Marybeth Kur and was fired by her. He sued and won a judgment against the county and received a cash award. Why is Jarema accused of costing the county money when he successfully sued Charlevoix County and won a cash judgment, then when someone in the popular crowd sues Charlevoix County (Fanara) and the attorneys are racking up the billable hours like crazy and Jarema gets the blame for that too. So I have concluded that everything is Jarema's fault.
If he sues he's wrong and if he gets sued he's wrong. The usual double standard from those who are themselves above the law for some reason.
Here is a selection of links and info that are in no particular order. Hopefully they will show the truth about those intent on ruining Jarema.
From what I understand, there is a position soon to be available in the judge's seat and some of Jarema's accusers are also interested in becoming judge.
We have been looking into this matter and we see no indication that John Jarema wants to be judge other than from his enemies at the courthouse. Hopefully the voters will read the below information and make the correct choice on election day.
Charlevoix County and its prosecuting attorney: Sued on six counts
Some highlights from the article.
The counts include sexual harassment, defamation, retaliation, deprivation of free speech, deprivation of liberty and intentional interference with contractual relations.
A long history of discord in the prosecutor's office has led up to this legal climax. At Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners meetings in April and May, Fanara pleaded with commissioners to step in and stop Jarema from continuing behavior she alleged was "bullying."
Fanara has accused Jarema of lying to county commissioners and a judge, refusing to pay her for work she did, launching a false investigation into her on-the-clock county hours, restricting her job duties, failing to register her for a student loan payback program, falsely accusing her of obtaining warrants without probable cause and perhaps the most egregious allegation -- that Jarema spread false rumors about her having sex with a defense attorney in exchange for better plea bargains.
After filing the grievance, Fanara was placed on medical leave by doctors after she experienced stress-related tension headaches she previously said are attributed to Jarema's poor treatment of her.
She was out of the office for 12 weeks on medical leave and came back to the office in July. She claims the bullying continued upon her return, so she used up her vacation time until the August primary election, after which she returned to work.
According to the lawsuit filed against Jarema and the county, after Fanara spoke out to commissioners and the public about the alleged harassment by Jarema, she was retaliated against through further harassment by Jarema, her job duties were scaled back and she was told her employment would not be continued, and would be terminated, in 2013.
Prosecutor-elect, Allen Telgenhof, will likely take over the prosecutor's office in January, and along with it control of staffing in the office.
"I don't think it's appropriate to comment," on whether Fanara will be terminated, said Telgenhof.
The rumors Jarema allegedly spread about Fanara having sex with defense attorneys are the top bullet point in Fanara's lawsuit explaining why she believes she has been sexually harassed. It is followed by claims that Jarema and the county threatened to file unfounded complaints against her with the attorney grievance commission, falsely accused her of submitting false time sheets and authorizing warrants without probable cause, refused to register her for a federal student loan payback program, reduced her pay, denied her access to the office and restricted her job duties.
The comments also qualify as defamation, claims the lawsuit, because they resulted in damage to Fanara's reputation in the community, her ability to find work, emotional distress, humiliation, sleeplessness, migraine headaches, tension headaches and anxiety.
Fanara is claiming she has been deprived of her freedom of speech by the county and Jarema because, after she spoke out to the public about Jarema's alleged harassment, the county retaliated against and terminated her because of, or on the basis of, "Her exercise of her constitutionally protected speech on a matter of public concern."
Jarema denies six allegations including sexual discrimination, defamation –
The outgoing Charlevoix County prosecutor denied all six counts brought against him and against Charlevoix County by his former chief assistant prosecutor, including sexual harassment, defamation, retaliation, deprivation of free speech, deprivation of liberty and intentional interference with contractual relations. Jarema was defeated in the August primary election by incoming prosecuting attorney Alan Telgenhof who will take over the county prosecutor’s office Jan. 1.
Jarema claims he is covered by governmental immunity, the damage to her reputation is Fanara’s own fault, her own actions were the reason she was fired, her headaches existed before any alleged harassment and, Jarema adds, “the truth as to any matter asserted is a defense” in regards to the statements he made about Fanara’s alleged sexual relations with a defense attorney.
Jarema also claims that Fanara “failed to mitigate damages” during her employment, her financial distress or loss of earnings are not the fault of her employer and that her gender “was never a factor in any employment action.”
After Jarema launched an investigation against Fanara through the state Attorney General’s office claiming she had charged a defendant without probable cause, officials found the assistant prosecutor did nothing wrong.
TPL says: Just because you don't get in trouble, it doesn't mean you didn't do something wrong.
The rumors Jarema allegedly spread about Fanara having sex with a defense attorney are the top bullet point in Fanara’s lawsuit explaining why she believes she has been sexually harassed. It is followed by claims that Jarema and the county threatened to file unfounded complaints against her with the Attorney Grievance Commission, falsely accused her of submitting false time sheets and authorizing warrants without probable cause, refused to register her for a federal student loan payback program, reduced her pay, denied her access to the office and restricted her job duties
Lawsuit Summary
Shaynee Fanara v. John Jarema and Charlevoix, County of
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur - Charlevoix -
While searching for information regarding the some of the players in The Good Old Boys Club here in Northern Michigan, I found this little tidbit of information that may explain why Kur supported Allen Telgenhof in his bid to become the next Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney, in spite of the police coming to his home on two occasions to investigate alleged domestic violence between the Telgenhof's. Read this shameful account for yourself at the link below.
It also may explain the discourse between Jarema and Kur and why they were so adamant about getting Jarema out of office, not matter the consequences to the citizens of Charlevoix County.

It also may explain the discourse between Jarema and Kur and why they were so adamant about getting Jarema out of office, not matter the consequences to the citizens of Charlevoix County.

On May 10, 2004, Charlevoix Sheriff Deputy John Bush Jr. responded to a 911 call at the home of Charlevoix County Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur
According to reports, Deputy Bush transported Kur's son to the hospital. "When talking to the doctor, a statement was made that Stephen Kur had hit his son the night before and attempted to push him down the stairs. It was also stated that both of the parents had been mentally abusive to their son..."
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night to Charlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded.
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
Much More At Link: http://michiganoidv.blogspot.
Sheriff Lasater and Charlevoix County sued by former deputy sheriff under state Whistleblowers' Act
November 30, 2004
November 30, 2004
County, sheriff named in lawsuit
Former deputy: Kur incident led to his firing
Record-Eagle staff writer
Nov 27, 2004
Former deputy: Kur incident led to his firing
Record-Eagle staff writer
Nov 27, 2004
“Local crime spree includes assault, stolen cars and public nudity”
December 04, 2012|Benjamin Gohs - Boyne City Gazette
Charlevoix resident Alexander Patrick Kur, 25, was recently charged with multiple alleged crimes ranging from assault and public nudity to theft of two vehicles, fleeing from police and speeding.
According to a Charlevoix County Sheriff Office affidavit of probable cause, as detailed in the Boyne City Gazette, the events began on Nov. 23
According to a Charlevoix County Sheriff Office affidavit of probable cause, as detailed in the Boyne City Gazette, the events began on Nov. 23
After son charged with multiple felonies- Kur and secretary give $500 each to Telgenhof- who will prosecute the case
Kur /Jarema Election
Kur heavily outpaced Jarema in campaign fund-raising. She declined to speculate on the reason for her ouster.
"I just decided at the beginning this that I was going to take the high road, run a positive campaign," she said. "That's what we did and I'm happy with that, although I'm not happy with the result."
East Jordan voter Allison MacKay seemed as enthusiastic about voting against Kur as she did for Jarema.
"I'm going to vote her out," MacKay said, as she headed toward the polls.
MacKay said Jarema "seems more honest, straightforward." She said of Kur, "there's too much politics there."
"I just decided at the beginning this that I was going to take the high road, run a positive campaign," she said. "That's what we did and I'm happy with that, although I'm not happy with the result."
East Jordan voter Allison MacKay seemed as enthusiastic about voting against Kur as she did for Jarema.
"I'm going to vote her out," MacKay said, as she headed toward the polls.
MacKay said Jarema "seems more honest, straightforward." She said of Kur, "there's too much politics there."
Jarema almost didn’t get to this position of power. His problems with former prosecutor Mary Beth Kur are legendary. He signed on as her assistant prosecutor in 1995 and became her chief assistant prosecutor in 1999. But over time, he questioned her work ethic. He felt that many of those in her office weren’t working full days and began recording the offending employees’ actual hours. She confiscated his notes just before firing him in February of 2002. She defended the move, saying that his attacks on her were destroying the morale of the office,
He filed a whistleblower’s lawsuit against the county, which resulted in a judgment before the case went to trial. The county agreed to a stipulated judgment against itself and a $50,000 payment to Jarema. Kur said she didn’t support the decision to settle, which she said was pushed by the county’s insurance company.
Vindicated, Jarema decided to run against Kur for the position of prosecutor in 2004. He narrowly won the primary in August, and had no real contest against a Green party candidate in the November election.
Kur, knowing that Jarema would replace her, left him a good-bye gift. Her budget for the next year proposed a $63,000 salary, about $20,000 less than what she was earning. She also proposed big reductions for his support staff: $40,000 for the position of chief assistant prosecutor, down from $56,100, and $32,000 for the assistant prosecutors’ salaries, an $8,000 cut.
Five of the six commissioners, who openly endorsed and campaigned for Kur, approved the $63,000 salary. Fortunately, Jarema and his supporters persuaded the commissioners to raise his salary to $74,000.
“Sour grapes would describe the situation and I am still digging out of the hole. It was a mess,” he said, referring to other problems with a notebook computer and missing legal books. “On a side note, three of the six commissioners were just defeated so I will have a new board to work with. It should be better.”
Jarema almost didn’t get to this position of power. His problems with former prosecutor Mary Beth Kur are legendary. He signed on as her assistant prosecutor in 1995 and became her chief assistant prosecutor in 1999. But over time, he questioned her work ethic. He felt that many of those in her office weren’t working full days and began recording the offending employees’ actual hours. She confiscated his notes just before firing him in February of 2002. She defended the move, saying that his attacks on her were destroying the morale of the office,
He filed a whistleblower’s lawsuit against the county, which resulted in a judgment before the case went to trial. The county agreed to a stipulated judgment against itself and a $50,000 payment to Jarema. Kur said she didn’t support the decision to settle, which she said was pushed by the county’s insurance company.
Vindicated, Jarema decided to run against Kur for the position of prosecutor in 2004. He narrowly won the primary in August, and had no real contest against a Green party candidate in the November election.
Kur, knowing that Jarema would replace her, left him a good-bye gift. Her budget for the next year proposed a $63,000 salary, about $20,000 less than what she was earning. She also proposed big reductions for his support staff: $40,000 for the position of chief assistant prosecutor, down from $56,100, and $32,000 for the assistant prosecutors’ salaries, an $8,000 cut.
Five of the six commissioners, who openly endorsed and campaigned for Kur, approved the $63,000 salary. Fortunately, Jarema and his supporters persuaded the commissioners to raise his salary to $74,000.
“Sour grapes would describe the situation and I am still digging out of the hole. It was a mess,” he said, referring to other problems with a notebook computer and missing legal books. “On a side note, three of the six commissioners were just defeated so I will have a new board to work with. It should be better.”
Since its inception, the Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Unit has prosecuted more than 3,615 cases, resulting in more than 3,220 convictions.
The unit consists of the following Special Assistant Attorney Generals (SAAG's):
- SAAG Kerry Zahnder, serving Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet counties.
- SAAG Erin House, serving Leelanau, Grand Traverse and Antrim counties.
- SAAG James Deamud, serving Otsego, Roscommon, and Ogemaw counties.
"I would also like to thank the following Prosecuting Attorneys for joining with my office in order to fight domestic violence: Charles Koop, Antrim County; John Jarema, Charlevoix County; Mickey Castagne, Cheboygan County; James Linderman, Emmett County; Al Schneider, Grand Traverse County; Joseph Hubbell, Leelanau County; LaDonna Schultz, Ogemaw County; Kyle Legel, Otsego County; and Mark Jernigan, Roscommon County," continued Cox. "By working together, our offices will continue to target those who commit domestic violence
BELLAIRE - A judge dismissed whistleblower lawsuits against Charlevoix County and Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur filed by two employees in Kur's office.
Victims assistance coordinator Sandra Ward and office manager Jacqueline Rozema alleged in their lawsuits that they were subject to retaliation and a hostile work environment after giving depositions in another whistleblower lawsuit filed by Kur's former chief deputy prosecutor, John Jarema, in 2003.
Thirteenth Circuit Judge Thomas Power ruled Monday that Ward and Rozema's whistleblower suits missed a key element - they hadn't been fired or hadn't resigned from their jobs because of adverse work conditions. Both remain employees of the prosecutor's office on medical leave.
Victims assistance coordinator Sandra Ward and office manager Jacqueline Rozema alleged in their lawsuits that they were subject to retaliation and a hostile work environment after giving depositions in another whistleblower lawsuit filed by Kur's former chief deputy prosecutor, John Jarema, in 2003.
Thirteenth Circuit Judge Thomas Power ruled Monday that Ward and Rozema's whistleblower suits missed a key element - they hadn't been fired or hadn't resigned from their jobs because of adverse work conditions. Both remain employees of the prosecutor's office on medical leave.
Kur said she was pleased with the lawsuit dismissals.
"I have believed from the start that these lawsuits had no merit," she said. "Now it's time to move forward. I've got a job to do. I've been doing it, and I will continue to keep on doing it."
Ward and Rozema declined to comment Monday. Parsons said he would appeal the judge's ruling, indicating he believes Power erred in requiring a firing or resignation.
"The judge has issued new law in the Whistleblower Protection Act," he said. "Kur got off on a technicality."
"I have believed from the start that these lawsuits had no merit," she said. "Now it's time to move forward. I've got a job to do. I've been doing it, and I will continue to keep on doing it."
Ward and Rozema declined to comment Monday. Parsons said he would appeal the judge's ruling, indicating he believes Power erred in requiring a firing or resignation.
"The judge has issued new law in the Whistleblower Protection Act," he said. "Kur got off on a technicality."
Former Charlevoix County workers Ward, Rozema, awarded $500,000 each
CHARLEVOIX - The six-member Charlevoix Circuit Court jury found that former Charlevoix County prosecutor Mary Beth Kur "constructively discharged" her former employees Sandra Ward and Jacqueline Rozema through abusive behavior that created intolerable working conditions in the office, and awarded them approximately $500,000 each in damages.
Telgie, you’ve got some ‘splaining to do

Allen Telgenhof
Allen Telgenhof
There was no room at the inn last Tuesday when users of the Walloon Lake Water System, county officials, a quorum of township leadership, and interested members of the public sat in the Melrose Township Hall to hear the details of the Dennis Hass case from Charlevoix County Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof who had recently dropped all charges against Hass in exchange for $7,500 in restitution and an agreement to stop the alleged activities that had customers of his water system upset
Wayne Wynkoop Tragedy - Another Judge Power Trip
The Veryser family were big supporters of Telgie.
Telgie, you’ve got some ‘splaining to do

Allen Telgenhof
Allen Telgenhof
There was no room at the inn last Tuesday when users of the Walloon Lake Water System, county officials, a quorum of township leadership, and interested members of the public sat in the Melrose Township Hall to hear the details of the Dennis Hass case from Charlevoix County Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof who had recently dropped all charges against Hass in exchange for $7,500 in restitution and an agreement to stop the alleged activities that had customers of his water system upset
Wayne Wynkoop Tragedy - Another Judge Power Trip
The Veryser family were big supporters of Telgie.
Veryser to serve a year in jail for St. Mary School embezzlement
Judge hands down maximum sentence to former school principal
CHARLEVOIX — A judge has sentenced the former principal of St. Mary School in Charlevoix to spend the next year in jail for embezzling thousands from the school’s coffers.
Under the state’s sentencing guidelines, it was the maximum sentence available to Otsego County Circuit Court Judge Dennis Murphy (sitting in for Charlevoix County Circuit Court Judge Richard M. Pajtas) today, Tuesday, when he sentenced Keisha Veryser, 36, of Hayes Township on two counts of embezzlement, $1,000-$20,000, a five-year felony.
More Here:
Under the state’s sentencing guidelines, it was the maximum sentence available to Otsego County Circuit Court Judge Dennis Murphy (sitting in for Charlevoix County Circuit Court Judge Richard M. Pajtas) today, Tuesday, when he sentenced Keisha Veryser, 36, of Hayes Township on two counts of embezzlement, $1,000-$20,000, a five-year felony.
More Here: http://articles.petoskeynews.
To be continued...........
Everyone knows that Greg Karem is behind this along with Jarema. It's so sad that you're being used like this. Fortunately, intelligent people realize that your rants are completely unfounded. Why don't the people who are hiding behind you show their faces? I'm sure you are a good person and don't need to be used in order to feel important. If you need help escaping their control, I'm sure there are people out there that can help. You might start with CMH.