
Friday, March 4, 2016

Judge: no cause to indict Charlevoix Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof (Is this another free pass?)


Benjamin Gohs
news Editor
An Otsego County judge has decided there is not enough evidence to indict Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney Allen Telgenhof on claims of campaign finance violations, domestic violence, credit card misuse, as well as an apparent allegation of breaking and entering.
Judge Janet M. Allen, of the 46th Circuit Court, issued a written opinion on the matter involving a lengthy request by Bay Township resident Bob Taylor that a one man grand jury be convened to investigate Telgenhof.
"In order to begin an inquiry, the judge must first have probable cause," stated Judge Allen."The petition (Taylor's) attaches no affidavits or other documentary evidence to establish the events described ever occurred. Therefore, no probable cause exists to initiate a grand jury proceeding. The petition for judicial investigation is denied."

List of documents attached:
1-    Roger FOIA to clerk seeking Telgenhof Post election compliance affidavit  March 4, 2013
2-    Roger Complaint to AG's Office regarding misdemeanor for not filing Affidavit  March 27, 2013
3-    Taylor FOIA to clerk regarding Telgenhof filings  October 9, 2013
4-    Taylor letter to AG Cunningham regarding prosecution   October 22, 2013
5-    Taylor letter to Sheriff asking to prosecute Telgenhof   October 29, 2013
6-    Telgenhof files Post Election Affidavit 10 months late-  October 29, 2013  signed under penalty of perjury
7-    Letter from AG Cunningham to Roger stating he will not prosecute-  October 30, 2013
8-    Boyne Gazette article where Telgenhof states he did not know law and was called by AG Cunningham         November 2013
9-    Taylor complaint to Election Bureau-  October 31, 2013
10-   Taylor FOIA to Sheriff  November 7, 2013
11-   Taylor letter to Schuette to review denial of AG Cunningham-  November 21, 2013
12-   Election Bureau conclusion finding Telgenhof did not file 3 reports and fine him $1,500  April 1, 2014
13-   Election Bureau conciliation agreement with Telgenhof imposing fines   May 1, 2014
14-   Late contribution report filed by Telgenhof.  Telgenhof did not file this report and was fined $1,500.00 but he          signed his Affidavit of compliance (10 months late on October 29, 2013 under PENALTY OF PERJURY that all reports have been filed)
15-   Taylor FOIA clerk regarding payment from Telgenhof for not filing the late contribution report  May 5, 2014
16-   Copy of Payment from Telgenhof regarding not filing report on time [pursuant to Clerk FOIA]  May 1,2014
17-   Taylor letter to AG Schuette seeking prosecution of Telgenhof for perjury   July 3, 2014
18-   Letter from AG Cunningham to Taylor denying prosecution for perjury  July 11, 2014
An appeal has been scheduled for later this year. We are hopeful that the judges are not blind to the facts and justice will prevail in this matter.
Charlevoix County Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof has a colorful past that has many citizens questioning his ability to perform his duties as prosecutor.
A group of concerned citizens have been attempting to expose Mr. Telgenhof's indiscretions and lawlessness by going through the proper channels, only to have their concerns dismissed again and again. 
The Pretty Lie has been following this story from the beginning and we are eager to see what the Michigan Court of Appeals decides.

The Prosecutor

Back in 2011 the Prosecutor got himself into a bit of trouble.  The details are important because the way he was treated by law enforcement and the court varies widely with the way Joe off the street would be treated.

On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof. 

His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:

“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request

The 911 tape

Telgenhof Violates Campaign Finance Law - Gets A Free Pass From The Michigan Attorney General 


                Telgenhof gets a free pass from the Michigan Attorney General's office.

Richard Cunningham, Michigan Attorney General's Office                           

 Allen Telgenhof, the"well respected by his peers" Charelevoix County Prosecutor seems to flaunt the law without repercussions. The list  of allegations  against him just keeps growing....

1. Assaulting his wife - Listen to the 911 tape here:

and here:

2. Taking his former landlord's property when he moved out prior to taking office. This is according to the lawsuit filed by the landlord in 90th District Court. More on this case as it develops.

3. Bouncing checks to the storage facility where he kept his belonging. He also has been accused of not paying his storage bill, resulting in a lien being placed on his property (the facility removed Telgie's lock and put their lock on his unit). Telgie cut their lock off and removed his possessions - isn't this a crime? He only paid up after the storage facility threatened him with a five day notice before filing a police report. Telgie did the manly thing and sent his wife to pay his debt in cash.

4. Did not report all of his election contributions timely. A complaint has been sent to the Michigan Attorney General's Office by a concerned citizen.  Much more on this as information comes in to TPL.

Is the AG going to let him skate because of his position in the good old boys club or will he be treated like the average citizen would be under similar circumstances? We can only wait and see.

The  Petoskey News Review and Telgenhof Connection

I spoke at a Charlevoix County Commisioners meeting about Telgenhof's unsuitability to be prosecuting attorney due to his blatant disregard for the law. Telgenhof and his wife were both in attendance and cofronted me afterwards in the hallway . I called the county commissioner and the sheriff to inform them of this unprofessional behavior towards average person who dares to exercise their right to free speech. See post below for details.

This is not the first time that the Michigan AG's office has helped cover for crimes committed by elected officials. Antrim County Probate Judge Norm Hayes/ Mike Cox connection. 

 Innocent men were sent to prison for murder - very interesting read.

Schuette Won't Act

Michigan AG closes complaint against Charlevoix County Prosecutor


Telgenhof at the Charlevoix County Commissioner's meeting where he stated that he got a heads up from Mr. Cunningham at the Michigan Attorney General's Office regarding campaign finance violations.




                         IT IS APPARENT THAT AG SCHUETTE                                                                                               IS PART OF THE GOOD OL’ BOY'S CLUB                                                                                           WHERE HIS OFFICE PROTECTS THEIR OWN!

AG Schuette’s website states “ In February 2011, Attorney General Schuette created a new Public Integrity Unit to ramp up the fight against corruption in state and local government, protect tax dollars and restore the public's trust in government.  Upon taking office, Schuette identified public corruption cases as a priority.  The Public Integrity Unit heightens the focus on public corruption cases handled by the Office of Attorney General, working closely with local, state and federal law enforcement to uncover and prosecute crimes at all level of state and local government.”
How can he claim to “fight against corruption” and to “restore the public’s trust in government” when he and his office WILL NOT PROSECUTE a sitting prosecutor who has committed perjury?  What goes to integrity more than committing perjury?
The facts are not in dispute, the documents are in order, the signatures and dates on the documents are correct - yet his minion, Criminal Division Chief Richard Cunningham states “I am simply not persuaded that there is any proper basis for the involvement of our Public Integrity Unit.”  When requested 2x to prosecute Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof by the Criminal Division, Cunningham stated  on October 30, 2013 “I am simply not persuaded that this is a matter warranting action by this office” and on July 11, 2014 “Looking at the totality of the circumstances, I have concluded that criminal charges would not be appropriate.”
AG Schuette’s Office has been asked to prosecute this case since March of 2013.  Perhaps Mr. Cunningham doesn’t want to prosecute Mr. Telgenhof because HE CALLED HIM and told him about the investigation?   Mr. Cunningham told Mr. Telgenhof on the phone to file his Post- Election Compliance Affidavit because Cunningham had a request to prosecute him for a misdemeanor.  Telgenhof filed it the same day Cunningham called him.  Is this standard protocol in Schuette’s Office?  To call a potential defendant? 

Telgenhof filed his affidavit under penalty of perjury but lied on the affidavit.  Telgenhof didn’t file other reports and swore under penalty of perjury that everything was filed.  Telgenhof was fined $1,500.00 by the State Elections Bureau.  IT IS BLACK AND WHITE.

AG Schuette’s Public Integrity Unit and its Criminal Division are a farce and protect their own.



Telgenhof Violates Campaign Finance Law - Gets A Free Pass From The Michigan Attorney General

It seems that the AG'S office is more interested in covering up for their own and ignoring the will of the people.
The judicial candidates in Charlevoix  County (Engstrom,Kur and Snyder) had 15 days to respond to Mr. Taylor's complaints and their responses were due on July 9, 2014.
Why they are running for judge when they all violated campaign finance law is beyond our comprehension. These laws are there for a reason and these people should all know better.
Telgie's letter is self explanatory. He was given a pass  by the AG's office on a misdemeanor-  but he was found to not have filed three campaign reports and was fined $1,500.00 He signed the affidavit claiming all statements required to be filed were filed. He signed it under penalty of perjury and he committed perjury. Pretty simple.



A look at Charlevoix Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof’s tax-funded credit card spending.


Charlevoix Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof threatens lawsuit, denies wrong doing, says he may be murdered.




Prosecutors at opposite sides … again

A history of discord continues among those who have worked in the Charlevoix County Prosecutor’s Office. This time, former Prosecuting Attorney John Jarema and current Prosecutor Allen Telgenhof are at opposite ends of a landlord-tenant dispute.The Charlevoix Prosecutor’s Office is no stranger to legal troubles. Last fall, Charlevoix County’s Chief Assistant Prosecutor Shaynee Fanara sued Jarema (then the prosecutor) and Charlevoix County for sexual harassment, defamation, retaliation, deprivation of free speech, deprivation of liberty and intentional interference with contractual relations. That case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan.

Now, Jarema’s law firm, Jarema & Mendham, PLC, is representing Telgenhof’s former landlords, David and Laurie Kane, in a landlord-tenant dispute over Telgenhof’s alleged unpaid rent, missing property, late fees and damage to a condo that he rented, the Boyne City Gazette reports.
The landlords claim the Telgenhofs rented their condo and, when the unit was surrendered at expiration of the lease, “extensive damage which exceeds that considered ‘normal wear and tear’” was discovered. The May 6 Gazette story listed some of the alleged damage to the rental property as: $149 in damage to the lawn caused by a vehicle; $538 for a missing glass shower door; $352 in damage to a wooden door; $75 for a damaged pantry door; $150 for damaged cultured marble top; and an “unspecified” amount for garbage left on the lawn and sidewalks. The lawsuit also alleges the landlords incurred $500 in additional cleaning and repair expenses.
The Gazette said it gave Telgenhof the opportunity to comment on the lawsuit and that Telgenhof responded with a May 3 email to the newspaper that said: “When will the [Gazette] cover anything about Jarema?”


Prosecuting attorney involved in landlord-tenant dispute 
  CHARLEVOIX -- Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney Allen Telgenhof and his wife, Judy are being sued by a former landlord in Charlevoix County's 90th District Court over a dispute about alleged back rent, missing property and property damages. The lawsuit was filed against the couple in January by David and Laurie Kane. The Kanes are being represented by Robert Mendham Jr., a law partner of John Jarema, former county prosecutor and opponent of Telgenhof in last November's election.

The case will be heard by Maria Barton, a Cheboygan County district court judge.

The Telgenhofs have filed a counter-suit against the Kanes and, on May 7, filed paperwork with the court requesting the judge dismiss all complaints against them.

The Telgenhofs' two-year lease, and two-year stay, at the condominium in Charlevoix owned by the Kanes expired last November and the family moved out by Dec. 1. Just over a month later the Kanes filed the lawsuit claiming $3,537 in back rent, late fees, property damage and missing items.

"... throughout the course of (the Telgenhofs') two year tenancy, rent payments were consistently paid late; that the first check written to (the Kanes) by (the Telgenhofs) 'bounced', or failed to clear the bank upon which the checks were drawn, incurring bank charges to (the Kanes)," reads the complaint.

It goes on to claim that there continues to be $1,375 in unpaid rent and $275 in late charges.

When the lease ended and the Telgenhofs moved out, the lawsuit alleges that the Kanes discovered "extensive damage" that exceeds normal wear and tear to the property. The alleged damages include damage to the lawn surrounding the condominium by a vehicle, a missing glass shower door, damage to a wooden door, damage to a pantry door, burn marks on a bathroom vanity and garbage "strewn about the lawn and sidewalk." The total of those alleged damages is estimated in the complaint at $1,264.

A second count, conversion of personal property, is also alleged by the Kanes. This is in reference to a few household items that were left at the property for the Telgenhofs to use, but were meant to stay with the property when they moved out. The approximate value of the items is $398.
The Kanes claim an additional expense of $500 to clean and repair the property.

In a response and counter-suit, the Telgenhofs admit they signed a two-year lease with the Kanes, but deny that they were given a checklist of items in the house they could use that were to remain with the property. They go on to say that they inadvertently removed a step stool, kitchen waste basket and iron because those things were mixed together with their personal items when they moved.

The response states that the Telgenhofs do not believe the property damage to the condominium exceeded "normal wear and tear" or that the damages exceed those "reasonably expected in the normal course of habitation of a dwelling."

They also say that the Kanes took too long to file the suit-- they terminated the tenancy on Nov. 24 and should have filed within 45 days, but did not until January 11.

The counter-complaint filed by the Telgenhofs alleges that the Kanes violated the Michigan Security Deposit Act by failing to maintain the security deposit the Telgenhofs paid in a "regulated institution" as required by law and failed to provide an inventory checklist.


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