Friday, February 12, 2016

MUST SEE: Sandy Hook SCAM BUSTED On TV! Newtown NUKE Explodes! (VIDEO)

By “Barry Soetoro, Esq”

(WEBY-AM 1330) Carl Gallups and Barry Soetoro break NEW TV footage – exposing the Newtown CT “school shooting.” Does this Smoking Gun VIDEO prove Newtown was a gun-grab HOAX?


Is Sandy Hook’s “Sloppy Sniper” really Hollywood actor DAVID WHEELER, playing “FBI SWAT?” His AR-15 is aimed at women/children behind him. Why can’t this “FBI Sniper” handle a gun?

Why isn’t Sloppy Sniper marked “FBI,” like his buddies?

Watch David Wheeler cram down his helmet (to hide his face) – ON CABLE TV. It’s NOT possible to get more busted than this:

David and Francine Wheeler are professional actors, claiming their “child died” in the Sandy Hook “massacre.”

Helmet, plus sunglasses in mid-December? That’s a disguise. David Wheeler looks exactly like Sloppy Sniper:

That means two (2) different Newtown roles for David Wheeler: Role #1 was Sloppy Sniper. Role #2 is Grieving Father of slain child. And THAT means Sandy Hook was a Fake Shooting.

(Actor) David Wheeler’s profile matches Sloppy Sniper on the Sandy Hook school driveway:

Watch the smoking gun VIDEO (above). The day Newtown “happens,” Sloppy Sniper appears on more than 11 mainstream TV networks – including FOX:

The night of the “shooting,” we find Sloppy Sniper on the O’Reilly Factor:

Obama doesn’t waste his gun-grab “crisis.” Obama flies to CT, picks up Newtown “families” on Air Force One – then flies them to DC, to lobby Congress against guns:

Gun-grabbers David and Francine Wheeler push “gun control” on 60 Minutes:

This isn’t “gun control” – it’s Treason. Does Oprah Winfrey know the Wheelers are professional actors, pushing a gun-grab Hoax?

$500 Million changed hands in the Newtown gun-grab. Fake Newtown parents collected millions in donations. But they might be returning that money on their way to prison. Many believe it’s Game Over for the Sandy Hook scam:

Hidden in plain sight for three years. But Sloppy Sniper can’t fool Vets and Cops:

Now that he’s exposed, will David Wheeler continue his Gun Grab Roadshow across the USA?

Or will Wheeler vanish, like Newtown witnesses and cops do?

VIDEO PREVIEW of Newtown Smoking Nuke TV footage:


FULL VIDEO (Newtown actor caught on 11 TV Networks) HERE:


One thing’s for sure – after getting caught, Wheeler’s acting career is done:

The Gun Grab Roadshow does false flags every week. Goals include (i) Gun grab laws; (ii) Diagnosing your children (via ‘Mental Health Laws’) to disqualify them from owning guns; and (iii) Ending Home Schooling, so public schools become your only choice.

What You Can Do

On YouTube, subscribe to PPSimmons and Barry Soetoro for Sandy Hoax updates.

Cancel cable TV – stop paying $100/month to terrorize your family. You don’t need fake “school shootings” sending your kids to DHS psychiatrists to get “diagnosed” and banned from owning guns.

Ask your favorite News Site or Gun Blog – and NRA – why they’re not covering Sandy Hoax:

But most importantly, show friends. You know someone at church; at the gun range. We’re not doing friends any favors, letting them wander into danger. Show everyone now, before America gets disarmed by Traitors.
MORE Sandy Hook Smoking-Gun VIDEOS

Enjoy My Prior Columns:

Sandy Hook BOOK CENSORED by InfoWars & Amazon? gives the Newtown Coverup update.

Sandy Hook: 9 Hours To Find Shotgun?  shows how a shotgun magically "popped up" 9 hours after the Sandy Hook shooting.

NRA Forgives Fake Shootings asks why NRA ignores gun hoaxes.

The Obamas: CIA Fake Family? asks why Michelle Obama can’t recall what year she got married; and why Obama’s family photos were created in Photoshop.

Sandy Hook: Trick or Treason explores FELONS playing Sandy Hook "parents" and the upcoming (fake) "ISIS shopping mall attacks."

Obama: The Ultimate Temp asks if CIA installed Obama to bury 9/11 truth.

Why They Grab Guns (CHINA/NEWTOWN) shows WHY the Regime tricks you with Fake Massacres. Sandy Hook and China had “School Attacks” the SAME DAY – to terrorize and disarm you.

FBI: Federal Bureau of Illusion explores sketchy "evidence" at high-profile shootings and the Boston Marathon.

DHS Admits: Staged Shootings In Malls  explores fake events sold to the public as "real." With Sandy Hoax "parents" strong-arming kids on TV, the government is desperate to keep you fooled until they've grabbed your guns.

Watch CT Governor Malloy LIE, denying his own Newtown press conference (when confronted by Wolfgang Halbig).

Trauma Town USA  explores odd shootings/stabbings in Monroeville PA. It sounded "tinfoil hat" until Jeh Johnson (DHS Secretary) admitted the US Government has been staging fake Shopping Mall shootings for 2 years.

Sandy Hook CASE CLOSED?  recaps the most compelling Sandy Hoax highlights.

Shocking Facts - Sandy Hook COVERUP  explores the (3) bizarre "public-record lock-down" bills crammed into law after Sandy Hook. We discuss WHO likely staged Sandy Hook, and WHY they took such a huge risk. We also explore the fantastic tale of Bloomberg's sidekick, Aurora victim "Stephen Barton."

Sandy Hook Death Records and Obama's SSN  explores connections between Newtown CT and Obama's SSN. Was Obama's SSN stolen from a man who died 1 mile from Sandy Hook Elementary?

An Eerie Visit To Sandy Hook  explores (citizen journalist) Barry's trip to the spooky Newtown Mental Hospital, where Harrison Bounel died.  We show you Barry's stunning photos, and discuss what really happened at the historic "Sandy Hook Massacre."

Global Warming STOLEN From Bible? shows why the Global Warming hoax won’t die.

Barry Soetoro, Esq is a syndicated columnist focused on Fake Shootings and State Terror. Recently, Barry explored the Newtown CT “massacre” and the background of “Barack Hussein Obama.”

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