Wednesday, February 10, 2016

There’s Something Strange Happening Here…

There’s Something Strange Happening Here…
Written by Diane Rodgers on  Feb. 7, 2016
About two years the Nation watched as Cliven Bundy stood in opposition against an unjust seizure of his ranch and grazing rights by the BLM. The event grew as patriotic Americans responded to his aid. The growing protest was ultimately successful in forcing the BLM to turn tail and retreat in face of the growing support that they could no longer control. Fast forward now to January 2, 2016 and we have a similar situation with the BLM is small town out west called Burns, Oregon.  Since the start of this protest, the Main Stream Media (MSM) has been putting forth articles and news reports using such adjectives as “armed militants”, “right wing racists”, “terrorists” or “armed thugs”.  Every story I read or listened to was basically the same, always one sided.  I follow the belief that there are 3 sides to every story; you could call it her side, his side and the Truth.  So when only one side is ever told, it is safe to assume that there is an agenda afoot.  An agenda the MSM never speaks about.

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