Train of death a myth, these kids are getting put on buses and airplanes probably on YOUR DIME.
“15 people per day get busted by police in this train yard, the trains get searched for people and of those who do get busted for hitching a ride on a train, they are ALL ADULTS and HALF are from Mexico. NO CHILDREN have EVER come through here AT ALL, not even ONE.” – train yard worker in Guadalajara, the largest switch yard in Mexico north of Mexico City.
Rush Limbaugh’s Train of death” is a load of bunk, and I can prove it. You cannot blame Rush for this mistake, because he can only go on media reports and does not have people in Mexico. I have the advantage of actually being here and actually seeing three large train yards in Leon, Guadalajara and Manzanillo which I set foot in personally to investigate all of this. After interviewing people at the largest yard in Central Mexico – the yard in Guadalajara ON CAMERA, people who were also in touch with Manzanillo which is a major port, I have proof of my initial suspicion after seeing the first yard, and that is that there are NO children coming up on trains AT ALL. Why is this important? Because it proves that someone has to be paying bus fare and airfare to get these children up to the U.S. and you can bet it is YOUR TAX DOLLARS DOING IT. Talk about salt in an open wound . . . . .
The man I interviewed on camera at the train yard in Guadalajara had it nailed, he specifically said the children are getting loaded onto white buses in Central America and taken straight to the U.S. that way, and that ZERO children are on the freight trains, NOT A SINGLE ONE has come through Guadalajara EVER. And if someone out there spawns a lie, saying OH, they all come through freight yard X, I will go to freight yard X and prove the lie. Kids cannot pick wherever a train goes, the fact that NONE have ever randomly hit Guadalajara according to people who work at that yard when Guadalajara has the biggest one north of Mexico City proves the train of death is nothing but a psy op.

The image to the left is a LIE
The image to the left is a photo op and does not EVER happen. I questioned people in the know and also did my own footwork to prove what they said, and they said NO children ever pass through Mexico on freight trains. The people who do arrive at the switch yards in Mexico on freight trains will be a combination of Mexicans wanting a free ride and Central and South Americans, totaling 15 PER DAY, and the switch yard workers made it clear that they have NEVER seen a child arrive on a freight train EVER.
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