Friday, August 22, 2014

Ed Gein in a Skin Suit with Louboutins~~~Dog Poet

Date: Friday, 22-Aug-2014 09:56:50

Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
Now we see an ominous glimpse of the agenda of the 1%. Those who are directly responsible for world conditions at this time. ISIS was created by western and Israeli intelligence services to act as a foil and a stimulus for reckless adventurism, manifesting as a whole lot of murder and mayhem against people without the weaponry to defend themselves. They are the new boogeyman to replace Al Qaeda, who is getting long in the tooth and they are the ones who are going to be blamed for the next major league false flag event soon to take place in the US or some similarly strategic location. However, the sense of things here says, USA! USA! USA!
Even your generic dumbass ought to be able to catch on to this by now but... unfortunately for the country, probably not. They'll provide the immediate outrage and sense of violation, while screaming about liberals, who in fact are not liberals. As is t.he case with those whose job description is to come up with symbolic names for their staged offences against humanity, they have assigned the name ISIS to this group of psychopathic mercenaries; Egyptian moon goddess and wife of Osiris. We can only hope Horus is around and a departure from expectations.
Here's the kind ofindividual that makes up the ranks of the 1% being as I was born (allegedly) on the 22nd, I am including 22 quotes from the Monsters of the New World Order and you get a lovely photo of David Rockefeller to go with it who says lizards don't walk among us. Sure, you could argue he looks as much like a weasel and of course his dietary preferences reflect that but lizard feels as legitimate as anything else.
Now let us foray into yet one more cheap stunt from the dungmeisters at the top No... really? Really? Yeah, well, I don't know one way or the other but anytime something like this happens and anytime the Zio-press trumpets some event that sparks all sorts of potential action, I have to assume they fabricated it.
In the meantime, onward goes the relentless assaults upon human freedom and common sense this is all part and parcel of tenderizing and pacifying the public to accept whatever ridiculous situations these fiends come up with. Things like that and things like this are meant to send a powerful message to the lumpen (headed) proletariat. This is meant to be enjoyed along with the disappearance of a functioning economy, a bankrupt jobs market, a no longer present manufacturing base and assorted ills ALL CREATED by these same evil and possessed autobots, who operate at the pleasure of their infernal liege lord. If you are not human but you are walking around in a human suit, especially in the way Ed Gein used to, or if your behavior leads to similar results, there are only a few options as to what you might be. You might have regressed back to an animal state and we see that more and more, as appetite goes into ascendance over reason. You could be divine... and we see less and less of that as time goes by or... you could be demonic and in the cases of those plaguing humanity 24/7 we would have to say it is the latter that is in evidence.
For the elite there is a whole new meaning to, “let them eat cake”. I have to assume that Louboutins are shoes and that puts me in mind of the irrepressible Jimmy Choo. I don't know how many of you are aware of the upscale women who were having surgery done on their toes so that they could fit into a pair AND for the rest of you lunkheads there are increasing shortages of all those critical comestibles upon which you rely. When it comes to maintaining the basic elements of life and the acquisition of basic staples, nothing says it better than Nutella.

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