Tuesday, May 5, 2015

African American Former Cop Confronts Racist Officers Who Said He ‘Fit the Description’

Michigan police detained a man because he allegedly fit the description of a criminal they were looking for. But the man not only kew his rights – as he had done nothing wrong – he as in fact a former police officer himself.
Knowing he would need to document the encounter, he clicked record on his smart phone camera.
The officers said they were looking for an African American male wearing black shorts. The individual recording the encounter, Mr. Sylvan Triggs was in fact wearing black shorts… But then again, so were – no doubt – many others, as this is a very common piece of attire for someone to wear in the warmer months. This hardly served as probable cause to detain someone.
But to make matters worse for the police who tried to harass him, when Triggs looked up the actual description of the flasher, it turned out he was a tall white male in his 20’s. Triggs was a short black male in his 40′s. This was a clear-cut case of racial harassment.
READ MORE:http://countercurrentnews.com/2014/06/african-american-former-cop-confronts-racist-officers-who-said-he-fit-the-description/

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