Sunday, August 11, 2013

Bulger-Scarpa-FBI-DOJ Crime Relationship

Mobster James Bulger-FBI Relationshipa Systemic Culture
In Boston, for many years, there existed a corrupt relationship between key employees of the FBI and Department of Justice personnel and the brutal crime group headed by James "Whitey" Bulger. Bulger was a confidential informant for the FBI, providing information on his criminal competitors, who were then arrested. While a confidential informant, Bulger and his group reportedly killed about two dozen people, with the knowledge of FBI and other Department of Justice employees.
Warnings by Other Agents Were Ignored by
High-Level Department of Justice Officials
Other FBI agents, such as John Morris, repeatedly reported their suspicions that FBI agent Connelly was passing secrets to his confidential informant and that Bulger was engaging in murders. Nothing was done by high Department of Justice personnelsimilar to the protection given to a similardespotic FBI supervisor in the New York City FBI offices (as described later).

Massachusetts law enforcement personnel knew for years about the Bolger-FBI relationship. Their efforts to get information from FBI and U.S. attorneys for criminal prosecution were repeatedly blocked.

While paying Bulger for his information about his crime-competitors, and protecting him from prosecution, the FBI-DOJ turned a blind eye to the many murders he was committing. In addition, FBI personnel advised Bulger of the names and addresses of people who were providing information to government sources concerning Bulger's crimes—knowing that Bulger would then kill them. These murders and other crimes by Bulger and his criminal group were perpetrated with the knowledge of, and sometimes at the suggestion of, FBI agents in the Boston FBI offices.

story here:

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