McDonald’s financial tips to its employees for getting through the holiday, such as selling possessions on eBay and Craigslist, has outraged some mothers across the nation. They say low minimum wages is most injurious to females – mothers in particular, and that means America’s children.
“Disturbed. That’s how I felt after seeing the latest holiday news coming out of some of our country’s biggest businesses,” says Elyssa Koldin Schmier along with a team heading the non-profit group Mom’s Rising in a written statement this week.
ABC News reports McDonald’s holiday advice to its employees - “financial tips” like, “Selling some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist could bring in some quick cash.”
The U.S.-based mega-company also advised, “Sing away stress: singing along to your favorite songs can lower your blood pressure.”
Mothers and children deserve better, according to Mom’s Rising, who wants the public to know just how tragic the situation is.
“Working parents need more than advice to sing their favorite songs in order to relieve financial stress. We need to raise the minimum wage,” says Koldin Schmier. “Right now, $14,500 is what is earned while working full-time year round at federal minimum wage.”
As widely reported by media, a Walmart in Ohio is “holding a food drive—for its own employees. That helped prompt a Walmart employee walk-out this Black Thursday. (and a subsequent resignation by one of the company’s leaders.)
“I usually have Thanksgiving Day with my children,” a local Wal-Mart employee told this author Tuesday. “This year, I’ll be here working all day.”
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